The Mission-Chapter 13

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Y/N's pov

The next day, it was the day for the big mission. Me and Huey was in our office making sure we knew everything we was looking for. We had to find the guy that owns the restaurant or should I say business. I was looking at the images again at all the activities they was having tonight. The naked one is what's really getting to me. Like this place is full of needing medical needs. And I wonder if I'm gonna see Ming I mean from the dragon tattoo on her neck it's a high rate possibility that she may be apart of this. What happens if she sees Huey tho? Would she notice that he working undercover?

Y/N: Hey, Huey

He turned away from his computer to look at me with an raised eyebrow

Huey: hm?

Y/N: If Ming apart of this what happens if she notices you?

Huey: I'm pretty sure nothing is going to happen. I mean it's a restaurant she the one who needs to try and not seem suspicious. I would just be a regular guest

Y/N: I mean that does make sense. What if she is apart of this?

Huey: Well she going to jail obviously. Everyone that is apart of this. But they necessarily not our problem right now. The owner is.

Y/N: What if the "owner" not there tonight? What if it's just an distraction?

Huey: I don't know. Me and you will split up to get closer to what we need. Once we get the files we can investigate on it.

Y/N: Oh ok...

Huey: Scared?

Y/N: No of course not. Just curious about a lot of things right now.

Huey: Hm

He turned back to his computer and I continued looking at the images. The mission doesn't start until dinner time. But for their dinner time that's like 8:00. We have to enter from the back if we there for the party while the restaurant is in the front. I'm guessing they always enter from the back to not look like suspects. Never know who could be following them. I think I should be the one to get the file while Huey could be a distraction. Maybe I'll lied to figure out where the bathroom is but actually heading to his office.

Huey: You doing a lot of thinking over there what is it?

You not even looking at me bruh. How the hell he be doing this.

Y/N: Nothing just planning something out.

Huey: Wanna know what I planning?

Y/N: What's that?

Huey: Fucking you in the bathroom against the wall next to the dryer.

Y/N: Ha funny. You got jokes but anyways

Huey: Have your hopes up.

Y/N: Bye Huey this is not time for jokes but anyways. I think I should be the one getting the files.

Huey: How so?

Y/N: Well Ming is madly obese with you maybe you can distract her while I try to not get spotted while trying to reach his office.

Huey: Hm...Maybe you got a chance. And if it don't work out.

Y/N: I don't know I'll just make up an excuse or something you know.

Huey: Oh ok. Imma pick you up at 7:30 it gonna at least take us 30 minutes anyways to get there.

Y/N: Oh ok 

Huey: So you don't believe me?

Y/N: about what?

Huey: Just wait

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