He Is Just A Waste -Chapter 24

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Huey's pov

After Y/N got tired of "trying" to hit me with a bat she was now on the couch exhausted. I started putting my shoes on and then she looked at me frowning.

Y/N: Where you goinggg..

Huey: Oh shut up big baby I'm coming back just gonna go out to pick us some lunch I'm hungry.

Y/N: Oh..well let me come

Huey: Hell nah, cause you gonna eat in my car and I told you not to last time.

Y/N: No I didn't..

Huey: Sure u didn't, what you in the mood for?

Y/N: I don't know. I want some chick n fila

Huey: Ew

Y/N: Ew? Boy bye chick n fila is the best of all.

Huey: I guess if that's what you want. I'll be back okay?

Y/N: You better cause like it's only 11:40 and it's lunch time so I'm hungry and you just need to stay here in general.

Huey: Mhm I'll be back

I grabbed my car keys, left and got in my car. Chick N fila not bad it just out of all places. I start the car and was now on the road. So much thoughts was just running through my head specially Kai talking about "oh I gotta do some catching up with Melissa" yeah catching up on that pussy. Soon my phone ranged and I answered

Huey: Hello?

Ming: Huey where you been

Huey: Why you saying it like I'm your boyfriend or something

Ming: Because we haven't spoke in like 29 days

Huey: It was not no damn 29 days

Ming: I was being sarcastic but it been too damn long.

Huey: I been busy

Ming: I been busy this I been busy that like when are you not busy!

Huey: Don't know. Don't care

Ming: Ughh you so full of yourself. Well when u coming over?

Huey: I don't know but it damn sure ain't today.

Ming: Whyyy

Huey: I have a life too Ming.

Ming: so you have no work today what could you possibly be doing.

Huey: That's none of your damn business

Ming: Oh let me guess, hanging out with the whore

Huey: Who is the whore?

Ming: Y/N duh who else

Huey: Don't call her that

Ming: You been acting different lately, I'm talking about you been around her too much and been defending her so much and just every damn thing.

I rolled my eyes as she kept bickering. I am so annoyed with her and just work and Kai. Fuck Kai but just annoyed with everything. I don't even know why she so pissed off I'm not dating her never was I can fuck anyone I want. I really feel like I'm getting yelled at just for being myself and a man.

Ming: Uhm helloooo? Are you even listening?

Huey: Sorry you was breaking up, imma call you back I think I'm loosing service.

Ming: You is not loosing no damn service HUEY you better not hang up on m-

I hanged up the phone before she could finish her sentence. I swear women is so damn petty and annoying I mean some...nah majority. I see why men stay single or just go gay. Shit ain't gonna make no difference tho. Once I arrived at the destination I got out of the car. The line was too damn long even tho it goes quick as hell than some places.

When I went inside I looked up at the menu while there was a small line in front of me. She didn't even tell me what she wanted but I should know. When it was my turn u order my meal and her F/T/O/M (favorite thing on menu) and paid for it. While they put it in and stuff I was looking around until I seen Kai and Melissa at a table holding hands and damn near in each other faces. I took a picture because what the fuck is he doing I shouldn't even be surprised I knew his sweaty hotdog short dick Tom Holland ass was a player.

I grabbed my food and walked over to their table. He looked up and then started coughing trying to hide the position they was just doing. I scowled at him and threw my drink at him to the point the top pop off and went all on him. Fucking asshole, Melissa gasped and then back up from the mess. I grabbed the food and walked out, getting inside my car and leaving because I don't want Y/N food to be cold.


I chuckled, not like she gonna care but this whole time she could've already been carrying a baby from me. Not gonna happen tho. I really should park right now and get back out to beat the Mario coins out of him.

Y/N's pov

Ughhh he is taking to long and damn it only been 10 minutes. I hate it when he leaves I don't know why but I love it when he's here next to me. His soft skin, calm voice and his satisfying breathing. Then I seen my door unlocked and saw Huey come inside.

Y/N: Yayyy and food gimmee

Huey: Yeah yeah, wait damn

Y/N: Nigga who you talking to. 

Huey: Here. Piggy

Y/N: So! A bitch loves food.

He sat down once I got my food and started eating his own. And you know me I was eating this shit the fuck upppp. A few more minutes pass and he haven't said a work. I looked at him with an curiosity expression.

Huey: ? What's wrong

Y/N: You look like you got something to say.

Huey: Leave. Him

Y/N: Who?

Huey: Kai, come on now who else

Y/N: Why

Huey: Did you just-

Y/N: I mean..but he didn't do anything wrong I should be the one who he needs to leave.

Huey: Y/N he been cheating on you before you even had sex with me again.

Y/N: What proof

He threw his phone next to me and I checked it and saw the picture that was taken. Oh well..I'm not even upset but I should've knew he was never gonna be loyal but of course being the dumb person I am accept a lot of people back in my life.

Huey: You should have trust in me more. You need my proof  to believe me?

Y/N: No, but..

Huey: You shouldn't even care if he's cheating or not. You said yes without even knowing why all I see is that this "relationship" between y'all was a waste of time.

Y/N: Well yeah I can't really argue..

Huey: You say your happy but Is you really?

Y/N: No, well I'll talk it out with him tomorrow.

Huey: Don't talk it out with that 15 cent nigga. Leave him..at least think at what you is deciding on.


He came up to me and kissed my lips and of course I kissed back. I just can't get enough of his kisses and everything else I been received with.

Huey: I gotta go but I'll text/call whatever you want later.

Y/N: Okay I'll see you at work tomorrow.

Huey: Mhm

He kissed me again and left. Yeah maybe I was too blind to notice that I said yes to the wrong guy. I'm gonna confront Kai tomorrow and most likely leave him because I am not happy enough with him. Plus I been fucking Huey and it's like what's the point being in this relationship. Then I have to do a lot of work tomorrow we still on this case. I laid down on my couch and watched Netflix.

I'm sorry for late post folks I didn't forget just been lazy this week but don't worry I didn't forget 👀 now now how is this busy day tomorrow gonna go? Y/N better leave this manz and What did Huey meannn in this chapter? 🤪 Taking about an baby 😏 let me stop but what's going to happen next find out ❤️🥺

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