Jealousy And Feelings? Chapter 20

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Y/N's pov

I woke up early in the morning too damn early getting text messages from Kai. I checked them and there was a lot of text messages but I hope he's ok. I checked them and it was just questions on why I left early. I responded back anyways so he won't overthink.

Y/N: [No reason, just was ready to go home.]

Kai: [I could've taken you home if you wanted me to]

Y/N: [Yeah I know but Huey was ready to go anyways so]

Kai: [Oh ok]

Y/N: [Question. Who is that girl you're friends with?]

Kai: [Her name is Melissa.]

Y/N: [Ohh ok. She doesn't speak to me much]

Kai: [Yeahhh...she just shy around new faces]

Y/N: [Ohh ok well what you doing up this early?]

Kai: [Just watching a movie with her she wanted to]

Y/N: [Oh ok. Well imma go back to bed good night.]

Kai: [Night.]

I placed my phone back on the nightstand and closed my eyes. It feels so lonely to be sleeping alone sometimes but sometimes a bitch needs the bed to herselfff. Now that I'm up I'm bored as hell. And I can't even remember if I have work today or not. Too bad I don't wanna go imma just watch a movie and make some french toast in the morning or something.

Huey's pov

When I woke up the sun was already out. I checked my watch and it was 8:00 already. That concert was a waste, Kai is a waste to I didn't like how he was touching her and that girl looked pissed like they got something going on or something. I never trusted him from the jumpstart before I even knew who Y/N was. I been knew he be playing multiple women at once. I got up from my bed to go take a quick shower when I finished I called Y/N and she picked up.

Y/N: Hmmmmmm?!

Huey: That's not a very good morning of you

Y/N: What you wantttt

Huey: I want you to get up. We got work today

Y/N: No we do nottt we off, even if we did I'm still not going.

Huey: I know we off from the office dumb shit I mean you got work with me today.

Y/N: I don't feel like doing anything

Huey: Too bad I'm coming over in a few

Y/N: Nooooo

I hanged up the phone because she always complaining about something. Too bad we still on this case and need to get to the bottom of it. I'll pick her up some breakfast as an apology. I grabbed my car keys and headed on the door.

Y/N's Pov

Y/N: Hardheaded fuck

I didn't feel like doing a damn fuckin thang. But of course Huey being the most self-centered cold-hearted motherfucka he is going to do what he wants. I'm so hungry but I just don't feel like moving. I'll just stay here in bed until then I really don't feel like moving.

Y/N: Today I don't feel like doing anything i just wanna lay in my bedd.

Don't feel like picking up my phone duh duh duh duh whatever comes after. Before I knew it someone was banging on my door like they was the fucking FBI Agents! I got up quick and went downstairs and opened the door. Of course it's Huey yayyy- ugh

Huey: Morning Sunshine, here's your breakfast.

Y/N: Whatever and thank you I guess.

Huey: Why you not dress for the day.

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