Focus on Movement-Chapter 10

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Y/N's pov

The next day I had to go back to work and train with Huey. Now things got real awkward likee but I mean if he wanted to dick me down that's all he had to do damn how he just gonna leave me hanging like that. I mean I kinda ended it but it would of never happened if he didn't break the kiss respectfully. At this point I don't care who takes my virginity I just want to get rid of it already. Have no damn bodies.

A hour later I finished getting ready and was already at the headquarters. I made sure nobody was behind or following me. I made it to my office and shut the door taking a deep breath.

Huey: You know that could've been you on your bed taking hella deep breaths if you let me hit last night.

I heard a voice and turned around slowly revealing Huey. I jumped a little I mean who wouldn't!? How he got in here he wasn't in here when I walked in before closing the damn door! I looked at him with shocked eyes because not only from his appearance but of what he just said..

Y/N: What the fuck is your problem

Huey: Why are you whispering

Y/N: Why are you whispering

Huey: I'm whispering because you whispering so I thought I needed to whisper to because you keep whispering so now we gonna whisper together.

Y/N: What are you doing in here?

Huey: In here to let you know training is gonna start soon baby girl.

Y/N: excuse me? It's Y/N

Huey: Yeah well too bad. You know we only have 2 more days until the mission right?

Y/N: Yeah Yeah I know...

Huey: Exactly. So it's not me the problem is you.

Y/N: The fuck did I do?!

Huey: Nothing. You are just behind why so serious and mad?

Y/N: I'm not-

Oh my god he really testing me right now. So apparently everytime I'm serious means I'm pissed off? The fuck is this, and he really flirty after that little baby session last night that was not suppose to happen.

Huey: See you're mad.


Huey: Why the fuck you yelling at me

Y/N: I'm sorry Huey. I'm not mad and I'm not disturbed it just so many happening and I can't keep up.

Huey nodded his head a few times and then started viewing all around my body with his eyes, walking in circles and I mean just looking at me closely and nothing else. I swear this nigga on that creepy shit and just like making people uncomfortable.

Huey: Where your outfit?

Y/N: What do you mean?

Huey: Your training outfit dumb fuck.

Excuse me? I turned around facing him and then I slapped his face. He looked at md and then scowled deeply. I don't give a fuck that you mad.

Y/N: You deserve it. I let enough slide but now you just being disrespectful.

Huey: I don't hit women but I will knock your ass out with a stick in training.

Y/N: Whatever. Anyways my training outfit is in my locker.

Huey: Well...go get it

Y/N: Yeah I know training doesn't start until 2.

Huey: Nope. We doing it early today at 10. Which is in 10 minutes and 34 seconds. I suggest you get moving

That's all he said and pat my head and left. What the fuck I am? A dog!? Oh he wanna be extra sassy today I gotcha. I think he mad at me to. Not just the slap I'm pretty sure it didn't hurt anyways but I mean that we didn't do it yesterday. We not supposed to it likes fucking my boss even tho he my partner! We are nothing but partners that is all about business. But it's like these feelings keep building up and I don't know why.

Huey's pov

I was going to our training session room and I was gonna wait for Y/N. I'm mad as hell she didn't let me hit after all that. I mean I definitely wasn't gonna use her for sex it just like I wanted it and she did too. She knows she wanted it but just can't speak her what be on her mind but her eyes tells every little detail. I went in to set everything up although how much I wanna play with that little small brain of hers in her head I need to get her ready.

Our mission is in 2 days and it's time to get serious. Although I'm strict anyways it kinda bothers me when I say rude things to her because she always looks like she gonna cry. Usually I don't be giving 2 fucks about anyone feelings not one but when I'm around her it's completely different. She then came in and I took the sticks out we used last time when we was training. I need her to do this right this time. I should've already been training her few days ago for her to be prepared.

Y/N: Okay I'm ready...oh my god not the sticks again

Huey: You need to. Just in case you have a weapon or pick up a weapon for an example a crowbar you need to know how to swing.

Y/N: Why can't we just use our handsss

Huey: We will. Of course but you need to get through the first step. This time you the only one who is gonna have a weapon.

Y/N: And you not?

Huey: No. Now try to hit me.

Y/N: I could if you would stop dodging!

Huey: You need to focus on the movements. Think about where that person is gonna go before they move. Watching every movement the make.

I helped her to stand in a right position to look both ways when checking surroundings. Her hips is so curved and smooth. But it's not time for that right now. I really have no idea what gotten into me. But after I helped her we got back into training.

Y/N: ....But you moving so fast!

Huey: Exactly and you need to keep up. You'll never know what will happen.

She took her deep breaths and then gotten more serious than before. Hm impressive the amount of times she keep trying she finally got me and I was now on the ground with her on top of me. I'm impressed with the technique.

Y/N: Did I do it?

Huey: Yeah baby girl you did great. But too slow took you almost 18-20 times just to knock me down.

Y/N: Why you keep calling me that!!

Huey: I don't even know for myself.

I pushed her off of me and got up. She was still on the floor looking at me with an scowl. Aww the elf is mad too bad. I smirked to myself and helped her up. We gonna keep going until she gets the hang of it no breaks are included.

Huey: Again.

Sorry for late post. This was supposed to be out yesterday but its ok. School started and it's time to get back on track with that but y'all know I would never leave a book on delivered without completing each and every one of them I make. But Anywaysss what's going to happen next find out. 😮‍💨❤️

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