Business Between Us Now?-Chapter 29

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(Huey's pov)

The next day I woke up with Y/N in my arms. She looks so peacefully when she sleeps. Then she started moving and yawning.

Y/N: Good morning

Huey: Hey

Y/N: Should've slept on the bed.

Huey: Yeah the couch was fine tho

She got up from me and stretched.

Y/N: Well Anyways, we need to-

I grab her by her waist and placed her back on top of me.


Huey: It's early as hell I ain't tryna hear about work right now.

Y/N: Okay well we gonna have to get up eventually

Huey: Yeah well eventually is not right now.

Y/N: Well what we going to do today?

Huey: I don't know.

Y/N: Did you figure out the day of the party again?

Huey: Yeah it's Tuesday

Y/N: Oh that's in 2 days

Huey: Mhm

Y/N: What time we going there?

Huey: Whenever it starts say about 7:00 like last time.

Y/N: Oh, Ok

Huey: This time we need to figure out who's the owner not who is in charge. I mean he gonna get investigated to. But how?

Y/N: I don't know. I mean you know we can't just sent him to prison without evidence.

Huey: We have evidence just not enough.

Y/N: We need to get answers from him though but it's hard you know we would just tick him off once he finds out that place is a case towards the police they gonna change locations.

Huey: Well we know the owner is Ming's father. And-

As he continues talking he takes the laptop from under my couch. I forgot I had that there and I was looking for it the other day so how he knows it's there- he opened it and started typing.

Huey: We know when the party is happening again

Y/N: What you doing?

Huey: I'm looking up the website for it so I know their activities. Well so we know their activities.

Y/N: Oh, what you see?

Huey: They gonna be having a dance. Which we already went over remember those lessons I taught you like 2 days ago maybe.

Y/N: Yeah, how can I forget.

Huey: They also gonna be having ping pong, pool table games can make money off of that. Gambling

Y/N: Okay, what else?

Huey: Hmm, That shit that happened last time.

Y/N: Oh hell no I'm not seeing that again

Huey: But it's optional this time

Y/N: Good, because My eyes needed to be deceived.

Huey: And just talking and getting to know each other.

Y/N: Oh that's something.

Huey: Yeah, Do you want a new dress. I don't mind going to go buy one for you?

Y/N: I think I'm good with the one I had last time.

Huey: That's not a dancing dress.

Y/N: So? It'll get me through.

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