Our Weird Date Night-Chapter 7

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Y/N's pov

The next day I was getting ready for work and my phone ranged. I checked to see who it was and it was Huey. Why he calling me so early in the morning it's very unusual I picked up anyways.

Y/N: Hello?

Huey: Hey I'm coming to pick you up.

Y/N: For what? I have my own vehicle.

Huey: Well you not gonna be driving today anyways. I'm the one driving us to our date anyways.

Y/N: Well I can-

Huey: Stop arguing with me knowing you can't win this. It wouldn't make sense for you to drive to work when we both could go to work together in ONE vehicle because after work it should be close to sunset ill take you out and I can just drop you right BACK at home safely.

Y/N: I was never disagreeing with you!!!

Huey: Yeah you was trying to. So hard too.

Y/N: Fuck you

Huey: Don't say that unless you really want to.

Y/N: What!?

Huey: I'm outside bring your bitch ass outside.

Y/N: Oh my fucking god. I'm almost done damn. And who you calling a bitch?

Huey: Hurry up.

I finished everything I needed to do and headed outside. I got in the passenger seat shutting the door and placing my stuff on my lap. Not saying a word he looked my way and then started driving.

Y/N: Where exactly is you taking me?

Huey: Where you want to go?

Y/N: I don't fucking know Huey

Huey: What's up with the attitude.

Y/N: Nothing I'm just tired I went to bed late.

Huey: Why?

Y/N: I don't even know for myself. These images just kept showing up in my head. I kept thinking it happened but it never did.

Huey: Oh, is it about that kiss?

How the fuck he knows that. I side eye him and gave him the stink look. Why you always gotta know some shit before the person even says it. Fucking mind reader

Huey: I mean honestly. I don't know how you thought about that but it never happened.

Y/N: Yeah no shit

Huey: Imma take you out to a bar.

Y/N: Oh..you paying?

Huey: Am I not suppose to?

Y/N: Oh I'm just asking. I mean you the one with the money. Shit

Huey: Well you pay for it then.

Y/N: Well then I ain't going because like.

Huey: I was just playing with you chill out

Y/N: No because I'm gonna make those pockets hurt.

Huey: my what?

Y/N: Oh I'm sorry I don't "repeat" myself.

He rolled his eyes and we arrived to the headquarters. We headed out and went inside to go to the Boss office. He wanted to talk to us. Once we made it there we sat down waiting for his appearance. He came inside and sat down in his chair. He had on his underwear with a t-shirt. Oh uhm ok? Early in the morning

Boss: Hello Agents

Me and Huey didn't said anything but looked at him in a weird way. He looked at us awkwardly and then cleared his throat.

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