Wake Up And Break Up-Chapter 25

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(Y/N'S pov)

When I woke up and everything I was in my bathroom getting ready. I needed to talk to Kai today and officially because I thought about what Huey told me and I ain't happy enough as I should be. Even tho I'm going to leave Kai I just want to take my time and just focus on work right now before entering a new relationship with anyone. When I finished and did everything I needed to do I grabbed my keys and headed straight to work. But I had to stop at Starbucks again cuz if you know you know. When I arrived there I went to my office and Huey was already there. Damn you here but no morning phone call?

Y/N: Hey Buffy

Huey: Fuck you tryna say man

Y/N: That you have muscles dumby

Huey: mhm

Y/N: Ewww what's up with you and that ugly attitude of yours

Huey: I don't have a damn attitude just been working.

Y/N: Oh..ok

I took my phone out and started texting Kai to come over here to my office. I said what I said last night and what I'm gonna do is do that makes me happy and my own decisions. Plus this relationship is nothing but a waste I should've known that being friends was already enough as it was.

Huey: What you doing?

Y/N: Texting Kai to come over so we can talk.

Huey: Now Y/N, you know we can't be in the same room I already wanted to murder him.

Y/N: I know but when he comes I just need you to wait in the hallway so me and him can talk in private.

Huey: Yeah I know I'm sure I got the knowledge to knew that already.

Y/N: Okay what is up with you?

Huey: Nothing I just wish to go back in time and punch the holy spirit out of him.

Y/N: Why!?

Huey: Fuck you mean why!? I hate to say this but nobody else will.

Y/N: Stay it then!

Huey: You the only one who has no sense

Ouch, ok that kinda was harsh. I have sense!

Y/N: What makes you say that!?

Huey: You the only one who doesn't see a damn thing. You the only one with no fucking sense. Obviously this nigga was a red flag from the start and you never seen it because you not even happy in this damn relationship anyways to the point that you would have sex with me constantly. I don't even know why you gotten yourself in a relationship with him in the first place nobody knows.


Well damn, I mean he is right tho. I really wish I would've used my brain and my heart before I said yes to Kai I mean I wasn't even feeling him like that. To be honest I seen nothing in him but an friend zone so I don't even know why I say yes.

Huey: Even tho you told me why you got in a relationship with him. Was it really worth it?

Y/N: No not really...it really was nothing but jealousy.

Huey: Tell him how you really feel.

Huey got up from his desk with his cup of coffee and walked out. As soon he walked out Kai walked in. Damn did he knew Kai was coming from a far distant? That's some good technique. When Kai came in we made eye contact not saying a word.

Kai: Hey

Y/N: Hey- uhm

Kai: What's up?

Y/N: I feel like we need to talk.

Kai: About?

Y/N: This, our relationship, us really

Kai: What am I doing something wrong?

Nigga you know exactly what you did wrong. You know everything you did and I'm not innocent neither but you did it before I could even. And I'm so dumb for being faithful to a nigga who can't be faithful back.

Y/N: I want to break up

Kai: Oh

Y/N: I know you don't care, I don't neither

Kai: Woah, who said I didn't care?

Y/N: Your actions said it all. You can have Melissa because it's not gonna affect me.

Kai: Listen..

Y/N: I don't want to listen I just want us to go our separate ways the ways we want.

Kai: If that's what you want.

Y/N: I know that's what you want too. Your mind just all over the place tho.

Kai: Look, I'm sorry for-

Y/N: It's fine. I'm not bothered at all just please if you gonna be in a relationship with someone you really love treat them right.

Kai: Gotcha. See you around.

That's all he said as I nodded my head and he left. I'm glad that went smoothly because I swear men is crazy. Not just men just people in general to the point you can break a heart and they just go crazy over you. I cannot deal with that so I made the conversation easy and simple as possible. Right after I took a deep breath Huey entered the room.

Y/N: Hey

Huey: Hey...did you do it?

Y/N: Yeah we now back the way we was

Huey: Nice

That's all he said and he sat down to get back to work. I watched him typing smoothly on the keyboards. It's cute but he been real quiet today. I mean he always quiet but I mean hella quiet. I'm talking about he didn't even said hi until I said it when I walked in.

Y/N: Huey

Huey: Hm?

Y/N: What's wrong?

Huey: Nothing wrong I told you that I'm just getting back on track with this case.

I went up to him and sat down next to him, then he looked this way making eye contact with me.

Y/N: You right, we do need to get back on track it been a minute but we do need to solve this case.

Huey: How you feeling right now?

Y/N: Free, what about you

Huey: Ehhh I still wanna punch him in his shit but.

Y/N: Hueyyy

Huey: I'm ok tho.

Y/N: Thats good. Okay let's get to work.

I was about to get up but he grab me by my hand and placed me back down but this time on his lap.

Y/N: Oh, what's wrong?

Huey: I'm glad you left him. And I know we not about to date right this moment or anything but please focus on yourself and use some sense.

That's all he said as he helped me up off of him and walked out of the office again probably going to go get something. I watched him go as I felt my heart pounding. Kai never made my heart pound like this, I don't know how I'm feeling at first I saw him as an asshole but now....it's a whole another story.

Finally done 😌 not the story just this chapter 😂 and go ahead and cuss me out and yell at me in the comments I knowwww I took to long to post I'm sorry but I got y'all this week 😒 anyways what's going to happen next find out 🤪❤️

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