Second Chances?-Chapter 19

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(Now hold on 😏 Just keep reading and don't get mad it's going to get better as we go we all love Huey's reactions.)

Y/N's pov

Y/N: Uhh....

Kai: Well. If you need to think about that's fine to I mean but the concert tomorrow and do you want me to pick you up?

Y/N: I'll call you if I need a ride. Because y'all men rei out here like I don't have a car.

Kai: Oh yeah *chuckling* sorry

Y/N: Well...I wouldn't mind being with you.

He look back ay my eyes quick as hell. I mean right? I mean I do have a lot of feelings for Huey but he doesn't do relationships now that I probably was just only sex and nothing only happened once but it felt so passionate. I hate when I get my hopes too up.

Kai: So.... we're dating?

Y/N: Yeah

Kai: Yayyy oh- sorry I'm acting like a little kid I'm just happy. Uhm I'll call you tomorrow for the concert?

Y/N: Sure thing.

Kai: Okay bye

He kissed my cheek and got up and left. I watched him go I hope I'm making the right just doesn't feel right it's like I want someone else. Like I want Huey...imma just go to bed it's a lot of thoughts on my mind right now.

Huey's pov

I was arriving to Ming house to drop her off and then I was gonna go home but wanted to check on Y/N so I would just text her shit for all I know she could be sleep. Ming got out the car and then slam my door. Now she knows and everyone that been in my damn car knows I hate that shit. I got out the car and yelled her name and she turned back at me in a angry way.

Ming: The fuck you want!

Huey: Close my door again in a respectful way because I swear if you break it-

Ming: FINE

She walked back and opened my door and shut it softly than last time. And then flicked me off and walked off to go inside her house. Eh I promise she'll be calling me in the morning now I took my phone out to text Y/N.

Huey: [N/N (nickname) you up?]

Y/N: [Yeah. What's up?]

Huey: [Nothing just checking on you. You ok?]

Y/N: [Yeah I'm good just watching TV and texting Kai about to go to bed soon]

Fuck she texting Kai for? I mean it's ok but this late at night. Shit was she even thinking about texting me before I did. I'm overthinking much I don't even know why I care so much.

Huey: [Oh. Uhm why?]

Y/N: [Cuz I'm tired as shit nigga.]

Huey: [Well yeah no shit that's not what I meant tho but I'll talk to you tomorrow.]

Y/N: [Okay good night]

Huey: [Night]

I got back in my car and went home to sleep. I do remember there's a concert tomorrow not really excited but shit whatever. I'll take Y/N there instead I know she tired of me doing that like she ain't got her own damn car. That's just too damn bad I chuckled.

Y/N's pov

The next morning I was already up brushing my teeth. Nicki music is still in my head from last night MTV awards (that already passed but if you know you know. 🤣) She killed that performance to and it was for 10 minutes. No one and I mean no one could took her crown after all that. She ate the whole awards. When I finished brushing my teeth my phone ranged and I check the caller. Damn why I wanted it to be Huey but it was Kai I picked up.

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