Frenemies?-Chapter 4

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Huey's pov

I talked to boss for Y/N and of course being the dickhead he is saying that he is not gonna give Y/N a new partner. Welp I'm just gonna have to suck it up. I was walking around looking for Y/N. Yeah I was thinking about the argument we had but I can't just be soft headed all the time. If I be too soft she not gonna get it. I went back to my locker and checked my phone. I sighed when I had missed a couple messages from Ming.

Ming: [HUEY! Boy I know you hear me answer me!]

Huey; [Whattt!]

Ming: [Where are you!?]

Huey: [don't fucking worry about it now stop texting me]

I put my phone on do not disturb. I made a huge mistake fucking her. Yes I did fucked her. My life, but now she thinks that we are dating when it was only a one night stand nothing more. It wasn't even all day it was just sex to me I guess she felt special but damn this bitch all on my dick. I placed my phone in my locker and went to take a walk. I started hearing nosies coming from the gym and went inside to check it out. Oh it's Y/N punching the bag. With Kai that's just something.

Huey: Training huh?

Y/N: ....what you want now Huey

Huey: Nothing I'm just asking.

Kai: Y/N you know this guy?

Huey: She does. She doesn't have to answer that it doesn't concerns you.

Kai: Jeez man it was just a question no reason to get so aggressive

Huey: No reason for you to be in our business.

Kai: you acting like y'all dating or something.

Huey and Y/N: We not

Kai: So why he sounds so overprotective

Huey: I'm not overprotective about anything. Don't let your mind get too loose.

Y/N: I'm sorry about him-

I grabbed Y/N arm and taking her with me away from Kai. He has some nerve I should go back and smack the shit out of him but I'm not. I don't like him never did. He doesn't know me but I know him and he ain't shit but a player. The amount of people he played must have STDs. But now we was in the hallway I needed to speak to her.

Huey: Why was you in there with him?

Y/N: Why is that any of your business!?

Huey: It's not but can't you see he just wants to fuck you until you scream for mercy. As your partner I would like to get to know you while you get to know me. It's fair

Y/N: Well good because I don't want this virginity no more it's starting to get annoying. Ohh now you want to get to know me after treating me like I'm some damn dog or something

Huey: Do you hear yourself!?

Y/N: Huey you not my fucking dad!

Huey: First of all watch your fucking mouth and I know I'm not your fucking dad but right now you acting like a bitch!

Y/N: .....If that's how you feel than leave me alone!

Huey: I didn't mean it in that type of way but am I lying?

Y/N: ....Okay well what are you acting like?

Huey: A asshole but I been one my whole life. It's an overrated experience.

Y/N: Whatever

She rolled her eyes and tried to walk away but I grabbed her and pin her against the wall. She was trying to escape my grip. She so cute when shes mad. I shook my head because what the hell am I thinking. She was moving too much and her ass is on me I felt my hormones turning on.

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