Why We Feel Like This? Chapter 16

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Y/N's pov

The next day I woke up sore as shit. Oh my god my head hurts and my body. I looked all over the place and Huey wasn't here. I mean I guess he went home but I was hoping he'll stayed. I got up to get dress because I do have work. Ughh I'm so exhausted what time did I even went to bed? Once I finish I headed to work when I arrived Huey was already in his office working on the information we gathered yesterday at the party. I knocked on his door and he looked up at me.


Huey: Hey, what's up?

Y/N: Nothing really just... checking on you I just got here

Huey: Figured

Y/N: What you doing?

Huey: Checking the flash drive you collected yesterday.

Y/N: Oh what you find?

Huey: The files about the business and family pictures and shit. How we supposed to know this is the guy we need to lock up?

Y/N: That's the thing. We don't know

Huey: Saying we need to investigate deeper?

Y/N: Well I would like to check the right guy the first time. I don't like seconds.

Huey: Interesting.

He moves his eyes up and down my body back to my eyes and I felt my body tensing up. I know what we did yesterday and it was amazing but don't get too comfortable it was only a one night thing. Something that should of never happened but I couldn't seem to stop myself. Plus I don't even know how he so cool with it like I would've been acting awkward too if I was him.

He took out the file I gave him yesterday and opened it.

Huey: Family photos?

Y/N: Yeah that I found.

Huey: You think his wife involved?

Y/N: I mean could be a possibility. Although I doubt that anyone in his family knows.

Huey: I think we need to go deeper in this investigation. Although our mission is done it seems it's not over yet.

Y/N: Should we take this person in interrogation?

Huey: Yeah but then at the same time we would only be taking him in for questioning. What you think would happen if we release him after it?

Y/N: ....You right That may get him to tell that they are being spotted and obviously gonna do something about it. We shouldn't take him into interrogation yet.

Huey: Exactly

Y/N: So what we gonna do?

Huey: I don't know... didn't really thought about it

Y/N: I think you should take Ming out on a date and get information from her.

Huey: ...Hell naw

Y/N: Come on Huey this is the only chance that we have. We don't know anyone else there to even get information out of. We definitely don't know their next party so all we have is Ming.

Huey: No. Well I guess you betta visit there everyday to see when is their next party cuz I'm not talking Ming out on a date.

Y/N: Huey it just to get information out of her!

Huey: And?! I'm sure there's other ways

Y/N: She's obsessed with you so she may tell you anything!

Huey: I'm still not doing it. That date just gonna make her obsessive even more.

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