Disappearance Of The Six Women-Chapter 35

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Y/N's pov

When we made it to my house we changed into our pajamas and sat down on our favorite couch. Oo I swear this couch is so comfortable. I opened my computer as Huey was fixing this old ass TV to watch the tapes. I'm going to turn in this cocaine into Boss tomorrow morning so he can have one of the scientist's instigate it.

Huey: What are you doing?

Y/N: I'm trying to see if my computer can scan these females.

Huey: You think he may had sexual intercourse with those females?

Y/N: I mean these girls are really underaged compared to him. There's a possibility.

Huey: What else did you find in his office?

Y/N: Pictures of him and Ming. And his wife but there was only one picture of her.

Huey: Martha?

Y/N: How you knew.

Huey: Ming told me about her when she was over obsessed with me.

Y/N: What she said?

Huey: That she died from stage 4 cancer when Ming was 10 years old.

Y/N: Oh wow

Huey: Yeah, that was the only time I actually sat down and listen to that tragic story. Everything else was bullshit to me.

Y/N: Oh my god you so cold hearted.

Huey: At least you awared. Already I got it working. Who gave you this old ass TV anyways when you got a smart TV.

Y/N: My dad damn. I love that tv. I can use DVDS for it shit.

He put in an tape and pressed play. These are SEX TAPES. Oh my goodness, my eyes must be deceived.

Huey: The fuck. Why we always have to run into these type of shits. They already be having naked ass people performaning on stage.

Y/N: But look these are one of the girls on these pictures. Pause it real quick.

He paused the tape and gave me the remote. I rewind a little bit back. And played it again the moaning would not stop. Girl it couldn't have been that good but she was sexually assaulted. She's crying and everything. I took the tape out of the TV and saw an name. I type the name in my computer and the same girl that popped up on the tape showned up.

Huey: What did you find?

Y/N: Her name is Cathie Hernandez.

Huey: She's Puerto Rican?

Y/N: I don't know Huey! But she been missing.

I clicked on the Wikipedia website since it was the first one anyways. I scrolled down a little further.

Huey: What is she?

Y/N: She was a Hollywood Model and her disappearance was June, 17th 2018

Huey: So 4 years ago?

Y/N: Pretty much.

Huey: That was so long ago but never been discovered?

Y/N: I'm sure people was looking for her but gave up after 2 years.

Huey: Why we didn't know about.

Y/N: Maybe the case was too dangerous to do it alone.

Huey: There's more than one girl.

I handed Huey my other laptop since his dumbass always leaving shit at home.

Huey: So what's your guesses on these tapes?

Y/N: That these women have been sexually assaulted. Mentally and Physically and they have been taped.

Huey: How many tapes he had in total?

Y/N: He only had 4 but there's 6 women in total.

Huey: Damn, this case is worst than I thought.

Y/N: He's worse than I thought he looked like an normal Chinese man who likes toasting.

Huey: What if your his next victim. Think about it, he finds a way to get dinner with females or anything, then when he gets in their head he sexually assaults them whether in private or recorded. And probably kills them.

Y/N: You could be right but those women was not in contact in any angecy or police. Did you find anything?

Huey: No, not really just the girls we looked all they all disappeared and was never founded.

Y/N: When was their disappearance?

Huey: Some 2017, and some 2018 that's about it.

Y/N: So what we gonna do?

Huey: Well, we need to tell boss. And turn in this ziploc bag. When the place is closed will break and and collect all the drugs another day. We both gonna be busy tomorrow.

Y/N: Why can't we have the FBI investigate the place.

Huey: It's best if there's less people. It'll just draw attention and Long will find out sooner than we want him to.

Y/N: I guess you have sense.

Huey: Just trust me. I know. If it just us nobody would even know we would be there.

Y/N: Okay...just this case is disgusting

Huey: There's worse. But we gonna get through it I promise. We just need to do little by little, too much we will loose our target.

Y/N: Good thing is we know who our target is. Tell me the women names so I can write it down.

Huey: Cathie Hernandez, Natalie Hernandez, Kendra Sunderland, Lily Mayflower, Nicki Alister, and Quesadilla WateryBiscuit

I looked at him weird from the last name.

Huey: What? I didn't name her that I think her parents was drunk.

I laughed I swear he be a dumbass sometimes, after I wrote down there names I started to packed up the tapes and everything so I can turn these into Boss tomorrow morning. I feel so bad for these women. It's okay we gonna get justice for them whether they are alive or not.

Y/N: Now what?

Huey: Nowww

He says as he made me some room to lay next to him.

Huey: We are going to cuddle and put work behind us.

Y/N: Hueyyyy

Huey: Get over here.

I walked over to him and lay next to him feeling his arms around my body. Placing my body onto of his as we feel each other's warmth. I buried my head on his chest as I get even more comfortable. And he placed the cover back on top of us. Mmm so nice and cozy.

Y/N: So I dye my hair.

Huey: Good night

Y/N: Wait let me finishhh

Huey: No shut yo ass up. Like where did you even

Y/N: I'm so tired of my natural color just maybe dye the tips!

Huey: What color?

Y/N: Purple

Huey: You're doneee

Y/N: Oh my goodness never fuckin mind.

Huey: Don't ever. Your hair is beautiful to be dyed.

Y/N: Whatever

Huey: Only the ugly bitches dye their hair.

Y/N: Hueyyyy stop no. That's not true

Huey: It is in my book, go to sleep.

I posted this because I'm not gonna be able to make more until tonight maybe. But uhm 👀 was this chapter disturbing. If so I apologize but this is what officers/detectives have to go through during cases but anyways 💀 also if those was your names I deeply apologize 😭 I didn't mean any offense but what's going to happen next find out 😭🤣❤️

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