Getting To Know You-Chapter 5

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The next day I was at work doing my morning routine stretches and everything. I gotten a phone call but it was an unknown number I picked it up anyways.

Y/N: Hello

Huey: Come to my room real quick I want to speak to you.

Y/N: How the fuck you got my phone number?

Huey: Don't worry about that just come through.

Y/N: Alright damn.

I started walking to his office still trying to forget out how he got my number. I'm telling y'all this dude is really on that agent shit. I mean like imma look through your files shit. When I got there he was sitting in his chair and made eye contact with me. Gosh his eyes so dreamy and maroon color.

Y/N: Soo what was up?

Huey: You wanted to get to know me and I guess I'll have to get to know you.

Y/N: I mean as partners we should get comfortable around each other and get to know each other.

He sighed and stand up from his seat. He moved a chair back and sat me down in it. Damn bitch I could of did that myself he then went back to his seat and just stared at me.

Huey: You go first because I know you got tones of questions.

Y/N: Well. Introduce yourself

Huey: I am a retired domestic terrorist and a revolutionary.

Y/N: Woww so why you retired?

Huey: I wanted to be free and it was dumb.

Y/N: Ohh understandable. You have any siblings?

Huey: I have an brother. His name is Riley

Y/N: Ohh nice. How old is he?

Huey: 25

Y/N: Oh so you the oldest nice. He a agent too?

Huey: No

Y/N: Oh. Ok cool

Huey: Why don't you introduce yourself?

Y/N: Oh Uhmm I'm I don't know. A agent shit.

Huey: Be more open I already know that. What was you before a agent?

Y/N: a kid I was 16 when I was doing this. It was hard to lie to my parents everyday and stay focused with school.

Huey: I understand. So you in any relationships?

Y/N: No I'm single. Single as fuck I been in relationships before though. I actually was in one a couple months ago.

Huey: Interesting. And still a virgin. You don't get dick in your life don't ya?

Y/N: Excuse you! The fuck is you tryna say!

Huey: Nothing. Nothing at all.

Y/N: I know you not talking you probably be having sex with multiple women.

Huey: you have kids?

Y/N: No? Why would I

Huey: It's possible to still adopt even tho you a virgin.

Y/N: Well no. Do you?

Huey: Nope

Y/N: Oh cool. So uhm I was wondering if you wanted to come over and watch a movie. Or we can go to your place it doesn't matter honestly.

He raised his eyebrow oh maybe I shouldn't have asked that but boss said I didn't have to come in for work today so I was just gonna find someone to hang out with.

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