I Want To Love You- Chapter 30

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(This song his different I do not care 🤭)

(Y/N's pov)

It was now Monday and I was just getting ready to go out shopping. Zero calls and text messages from Huey one message from Kai and some messages from my friends but they in collage is why I never mentioned them. I sighed I'm not even worried about anyone else but Huey. I be so excited just seeing his messages. Once I finished my little routine that I do almost everyday I checked Kai message.

Kai: [Hey, sorry to bother just checking up on you]

Y/N: [Oh ok I'm good thanks just been busy]

Kai: [Yeah that's normal but that's good that you're okay what you doing today?]

Y/N: [Nothing, just going shopping to get things off my mind?]

Kai: [Oh what a coincidence me and Melissa was about to go to the mall. Wanna join?]

Y/N: [Oh no I'm good I appreciate it tho.]

Kai: [Oh come onn it'll be fun we mind as well I mean we going to the same location?]

Y/N: [No really I appreciate it but I'm not just going to the mall?]

Kai: [We can obviously go more places]

Y/N: [No really I'm fine]

Kai: [Too bad be over in a few.]

Y/N: [NO]

After that he left me on sent not even opening the message. I just knew he was coming to get me. I don't wanna go I just wanted to go by myself oh my goodness. A couple more minutes when by and I got a text message from him that he was outside. I sighed heavily and just grabbed my stuff getting ready to go. I got in the back of his car.

Kai: Heyyy

Y/N: Hey

Melissa: Hello *giggling*

Y/N: I can really go by myself.

Kai: No need when we all going to the same spot and plus not like your boyfriend is here to take you

Y/N: He's not my boyfriend

Kai: Oh. My bad I thought y'all was dating by now

Y/N: Could've but you know....can we get going now?

Kai: Yeah.

While we was on the road I kept looking at my phone still nothing from him. I mean he did told me last night to not be expecting him but that's the thing I want to expect him. I sighed I really should've took it easy on him yesterday. I obviously want more than just business between us.

Kai: You okay back there?

Y/N: Yeah just a lot of thinking you know

Kai: Oh yeah I get it everything okay?

Y/N: Mhm

Kai: Okay

I checked my credit card balance on my phone so I know I have enough money. I know I have money I just don't be transferring it over all the time it's always withdrawing I only use deposits when phone bills and just bills in general and use cash for the rest of my other little stuff. But I think imma use my credit card today. I transferred 1000 to my credit card to use. That should be enough I wasn't planning to spend much anyways but money adds up.

(Meanwhile with Huey)

Ming: Why you exercising right now?

Huey: Why are you here?

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