Our Investigation Pt 2-Chapter 33

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Y/N's pov

I finally got up the stairs god damn. I need to exercise if I'm tired from that little bit. I finally arrived to his room tho and I made sure I wasn't targeted, spotted, or anything else then I finally entered it looking around. I took a peek at my watched because time is always important when an agent. He may be back any minute I need to hurry up. I made sure nobody was in here. This is niceeee it's like a suite but an office. Shit can I borrow it. Hmmm

I checked his pictures first. Well of course some of them is Ming it's his daughter for god's sake but who is this woman? Looks like his wife but I never seen her before or around. Maybe they divorced? I have no idea. Her name is Martha hm I'll do my research later. I went over to his desk and checked his drawers. He got so many pictures of women. But they seem underaged he may be like 50 and they look 20-30. He an sexist, an sex offender, or rapist? I don't even know I'm just guessing shit at this point. I grabbed the photos tho and put them in my purse.

I checked more in his room to see if he had any type of flashdrive. There's tapes I guess that's something. I collected those to and saw some drugs in his closet. I took a little and place a dash in a Ziploc bag for evidence. He has so much shit I don't even know wish I was here last time. Soon I heard his door knob twisting and I hurried to close his closet I hid somewhere because I'm not even supposed to be in here. It was him and another female's voice I kept quiet and listen to their conversation.

Huey's pov

I kept checking my watch over and over again while I was keeping Ming distracted. I hope Y/N okay I mean I saw Mr. Long and Valerie walked into his room and she's still in there.

Ming: Uhm...you good?

Huey: Yeah, why?

Ming: You keep checking your watch. Are you rushing to do something?

Huey: No it's not that I just be having stuff to do and you know.

Ming: Oh, yeah like always you been distance from me.

Huey: Ming we already talked about this.

Ming: I just don't understandddd what does she have that I don't?

Shit. A whole list- better personality, tits, just the body in general, attitude scale, cooking, oh my god that ass-

Ming: Helloooo?

Huey: Oh my bad, you just overreacting. Tonight is your night have fun go have fun in the arcade get all that overthinking off your mind.

Ming: Ugh... alright I guess you're right for the first time

Huey: First time?

Ming: Never mind that, are you coming?

Huey: Uhm I'll catch later just gonna get something to snack on

Ming: Okay don't leave too early there still a dance later and I wanna dance with you. Hopefully

Huey: Mhm

She walked away and I decided to go through my insta on my phone to keep me distracted so I won't look suspicious by staring at Mr. Long door too long or much.

Y/N's pov

God damn it smell like cat in this damn closet and I don't mean the animal I mean some coochie. I mean vagina is vagina but if yo shit smell like this. Put your shoes on so we can go to the ER.

There maybe some lingerie or some shit in here god damn. And these drugs ain't making it smell better. I try my best to not make any sounds because I'm gonna get spotted. I put an hearing airpod in my ear that I made last week it helps me hear someone conversation closer.

Mr. Long: Anything weird?

Valerie: No sir I haven't suspected anything yet. Everyone looked normal and usual.

Mr. Long: Good, we need to keep this organization in business I'm sure the police and everything is alright suspected of us. Waiting for us to make a move.

Valerie: Who's the Afro dude? He very tall and handsome can make any bitches panties soak.

Uhm! TMI and okay white girl back up. Even you right but he's my man even tho we not together yet but he will be my man so uhm. Back tf up before you get smack tf up. Tupac~

Mr. Long: Ohhh Wait,..OH yes I know who you talking about. Huey

Valerie: Yeah I knew his name just wanted to see if you knew.

Mr Long: Yes me and Huey are well I wouldn't say close but he is very handsome and a nice man to my daughter. Or I'm guessing but he can be cold.

Valerie: Cold as in how?

Mr Long: He has boundaries which I also like about him. He'll hang with you but not too much if he doesn't want to without giving an damn and he always business which I really love about him I bet his money is stacked.

It is... really like I never thought I would need an sugar daddy so bad for my taxes.

Valerie: Ohh, that's very interesting information about a fine man like him.

Mr. Long: I agree well we shall get back to our gambling shall we?

Valerie: Of course. Mr Long-Dou

Once I heard them leave completely I evacuated the closet. Finally some AIR! Once I looked around a few more times I slowly peaked through the door and my area was cleared and hurry up to leave before I got caught. I headed down stairs and sat down at my table.

Huey: What you found?

Y/N: A lot of shit but I'll tell you on our way back. Someone may hear but there's something suspicious about that white girl.

Huey: White girl?

Y/N: You may know, you definitely may know cause she was talking about you and I mean sexually.

Huey: I meannnn, I am fine

Y/N: That's not the point the point is I think she working for him. And I mean secretly. She looks innocent but she goes around checking on people to see if their an agent or working for any local headquarters.

Huey: I knew there was something up with her ever since she tap on my shoulder.

Y/N: Well, imma put my bag in the car so nobody will touch it while we dancing.

Huey: Alright.

I got up out my seat and walked to Huey's car to put my stuff in there. I put it somewhere nobody will ever to look at because who knows who may be following me or looking for this bag. Once I finished I headed back inside to talk to him.

Another chapter completed 😁 NOW I accidentally pressed publish when I wasn't finished I don't know who gotten that notification but it was coming I just had to unpublished it because it was done but now it is sorry about that friends 🥰❤️ How's the dance is gonna go in the next chapter find out 😩

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