Trapped, But Alived-Chapter 40

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Y/N's pov

The next morning I woke up feeling normal as always. Still had my clothes on and everything. I got up out of bed looking around while touching my messy hair. Soon the door opened and it was Valerie holding an gun at me.

Valerie: Mr Long would like to see you.

I could have just beat her ass right there and then and then escape but I just woke up I don't got the energy I yawned and walk out the bedroom side eyeing her while we walked down the stairs to his office. I sat down and he smirked at me. Creepy Bitch-.

Mr Long: Good morning Y/N

Y/N: Smh

Long nodded his head at Valerie and she proceeded to put the gun away. Tired of this bitch pointing that damn gun on me.

Mr Long: How'd did you sleep.

Y/N: None of your damn business. Don't enjoy yourself too much someone will find me and you'll be shut down for good.

Mr Long: You're more smarter than some women I've met. Who do you really work for.

Y/N: None of you damn business. Kill me I don't care that question will never be answered.

Mr Long: Hmm.....take her back to the room. She not ready to come out her cage yet.

Cage!? Bitch fuck you.

Y/N: Smh

She gripped my shirt to pull me back up and force me to walk. When we got upstairs when everything was cleared I pepper sprayed this bitch and she was wiping her eyes. I took my chances to attack and grab her gun making sure it was loaded and the bedroom key.

Valerie: Ugh-... Bitch I can't see.

Y/N: Is the purpose dumbass now get yo white ass in that room.

I hit her in the back of the head with the gun and she passed out. I switched clothes with her we may not have the same skin but I won't be spotted that easily with her clothes on. After I switched our clothes I dragged her into the bedroom placing her on the bed. I made sure to take her phone so she wouldn't get any contact with Long and now leaving to lock the door. Now I just need to figure how to get out of here...

Huey's pov

I was already at the office going to Boss's office. He better be in here everytime something important come up he never around. I knocked on the door and heard him groan while telling me to come inside with his annoyance tone.

Boss: What ya want. Im trying to watch porn.

Huey: TMI. And Y/N been kidnapped.

Boss: What...!!? Why didn't you tell me this.

Huey: I was trying to but you was too busy on your "date".

Boss: You've could've called or texted me

Huey: No, I needed to tell you from face to face so you would take this seriously that Y/N's life is in danger.

Boss: ugh....I hope she's okay.

Huey: I do too.

Boss: Okay, I'm gonna go with you to find her. Her life is at risk this man is more dangerous than any I seen in action.

Huey: I asked Kai to help to he is an computer genius his hacking skills could be useful.

Boss: He will stay connected with us while we go and find her. Imma called the other agents we need more protection on our sides. We'll take half at least.

Huey: Why not the FBI?

Boss: Because I need them to investigate and shut down his restaurant and collect every information they seek in there. We need to get moving.

Boss: I need you to go to the storage room and grab vests and guns for protection and for us and the agents.

Huey: Alright.

Y/N's pov

I had no idea how I would escape here he has cameras and alarms everywhere. I went into the bathroom so nobody would hear or see me. I tried my phone again to get service but it seems it's not working. I tired her phone but it was about to die. I only had 5% left to make it work. I went through her contacts and found Huey. I dialed his phone number and it waited.

Oh please pick up Hue. Please, please, please. After a couple dials it went to voicemail.

Huey: Sorry can't answer the phone at the moment. If important text me *beeeep*

Ugh I hanged up and dialed again. I don't even know if it's going though or not. There's no service over here but he didn't turn it off for her. As I waited a little longer he finally picked up.

Huey: Hello?

Y/N: Huey! Huey-

Huey: Y/N? Y/N!? Where the hell are you.

Y/N: I been kidnapped and I can't get out please help me.

Huey: We gonna be there soon just hold on tight. Did he did anything to you.

Y/N: No not yet but I really don't have much time left. Valerie is knocked out but she won't be sleep that long and it won't take too long for him to find out I'm not in that room.

Huey: You can't escape?

Y/N: If I try to it's going to set off the alarm and he'll find out. There's alarms all on the windows and everything. Please help me

Huey: Calm down I'm going to help you I just need you to stay put. How you getting pass the cameras?

Y/N: With her clothes on. They won't suspect me that way but if they see my color it's over with.

Huey: Okay..uh where you are right now.

Y/N: In the bathroom. It's a different one that anyone rarely goes to it's all the way down the hall.

Huey: Okay just stay there and try to protect yourself a little longer we'll be there by night.

Y/N: Okay I love you

Huey: I love you to-

Before he could finish his sentence the phone died. Ugh fuck. I just wanted to stay on call with him a little longer. At least he knows I'm alive. I didn't tell him the address but I'm sure he'll find me. Huey is really smart but I just stayed put here until further notice. I also took deep breaths to keep myself calm. Can't wait til I bust out of here.

Huey's pov

I think her phone died but that's not the point. I'm glad she's alive. We still have time to move in at night the camouflage is so much better that way I just need her to stay alive for me little longer. Can't wait to feel my hands on her to make sure she's actually with me. I'm not gonna ever let anything like this happen to her again. And I'm gonna break my foot up in Long's sweaty ass as soon as I see him.

I don't know if I didn't say this or not but this story almost over I was hoping for it to be longer but I'll make sure to do an extra bonus chapter after the case is over and more stories gonna be out don't worry also I appreciate everyone who loves reading my story I like how we all love ghetto and drama we have the same humor. I love you all 😌 but anyways is he going to get Y/N back? Find out as this case gets closer and closer to the end 🥰❤️

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