An Bonus Part-Chapter 42

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Y/N's pov

A couple days went by since we finished our mission. Our relationship has been going well even tho we just started. Me and Huey are now on his couch, cuddling, and watching Netflix. He is so warm I just love being this close to him.

Huey: mm..

Y/N: Huey.

Huey: what?

Y/N: Uh- uhm it's yes

Huey: Would you rather have me respond or nothing at all.

Y/N: Who is you talking to.

Huey: What's wrong.

Y/N: I want a baby.

Huey: Adopt one.

Y/N: No I want my own.

Huey: Yeah adopt one and sign the papers and it's all yours.

Y/N: No create one.

Huey: ...No ma'am

Y/N: WHY!?

Huey: We just started dating and I don't want no kids right now.

Y/N: But we can have mini Huey's and Y/N's

Huey: Hell nah.

Y/N: Pleaseeee

Huey: No. Nothing is going to change my mind. I'll pray about it.

Y/N: But don't you want a kid.

Huey: No

Y/N: But why

Huey: Kids....are irritation. They need an ass whooping twice a day. They're so spoiled and unappreciative. You have to change their diaper and smell shit everyday to the point you'll need febreeze or glade. You have to feed them and get headaches from their cries.

Y/N: That's the point.

Huey: Just wait until the toddler stage you gonna be really pissed off.

Y/N: Hueyyy

Huey: No.

Y/N: Okay how about this. We'll make a baby and I'll take care of it by myself.

Huey: Hell no.

Y/N: Oh my goodness.

Huey: We just started dating and now you already want a baby.

Y/N: I didn't said I wanted a baby from you I said we could make an baby. I want a baby it doesn't specifically have to be made from you.

Huey opened his eyes and scowled at me.

Huey: Well then I guess you ain't getting an baby at all because you not about to get one from another nigga.

Y/N: Ugh what are you my dad.

Huey: No, but your boyfriend.

Y/N: Smh...

Huey: Maybe when our relationship last longer we'll talk about it.

Y/N: Really?

Huey: Yep

Y/N: Okay.

He kissed my lips and I kissed back. We kept kissing and kissing then not even 5 minutes later it turned into an make out session. I felt his hands rubbing my hips while I wrap my legs around his torso. His lips went down my neck kissing and sucking on it.

Y/N: mm uh

I gasped for air after biting my lip as I felt his hand reaching down to go inside my pants. Before I knew it I felt him rubbing against it. I moaned lightly and helped him to take my and his clothes off. We were now naked and I spread my legs so he would know that I am ready for him. He admired my body for an minute and then slide in.

Y/N: Oh-!

He pushed in deeper and I felt my lust getting more and more heated. He started moving as I was holding onto his torso with my hands and legs. He groaned a few times ugh who doesn't love at least a little sound effects from the men. He moved faster and I couldn't help but moan louder.

Y/N: Oh, OH shit.

Huey: mmmn- fuck

He pounded inside me over and over again until I couldn't get enough. Feels so good he then slide out and I looked at him like he was crazy. Uhm sir I didn't nut yet-. He flipped me over and entered from the back. Oh shit. He pounded faster in the back than he did in the front. I moaned his name so loud it's like I couldn't take it anymore. As he keeps pounding inside me roughly I felt myself released but he kept going. I slide myself out and turned back around pushing himself inside me.

Y/N: O-Ahhhh!

I hold him by his ass cheeks which made him jump a little. He looked at me with an raised eyebrow confused as hell. Then he scowled I tried so hard to not laugh.

Huey: Fuck is you doing.

Y/N: Release.

Huey: Hell no you gonna get pregnant if I do that. I know what you're trying to do.

Y/N: No everytime we do it you have on an condom but you didn't this time so release.

Huey: Hell no, and I'm an dumbass for not putting one on.

I gorilla gripper his cheeks more that made him push deeper and I bite my lip while groaning.

Huey: Getcho hands off my cheeks.

Y/N: Not until you release it takes an few loads to get pregnant anyways.

Huey: you mind as well just shallow if that's the case.

Y/N: Really?

Huey: No, Getcho hands off my cheeks.

I rub his ass and did a little squeeze. God damn Dem boyz thick.

Y/N: That's a lot of ass.

Huey: Y/N, I'm not gonna tell you again.

Y/N: I'll let go of you release.

Huey: So this was yo plan huh?

Y/N: Yes zaddy oo-

Huey: I'm not releasing. Let go of my ass

Y/N: Why this ass is so plump. You should be a male stripper. Do a lil jiggle for me.

Huey: You funny, let go.

I push him deeper as possible and he closed his eyes while groaning. Lowering himself slowly on my chest.

Huey: Let nmm go.

Y/N: Give it and I will.

Huey: Fine. If you get pregnant don't complain about shit.

Y/N: Mhmmm

He held onto my body for support and I felt warmness going through my womb. I gasped for air as I felt more and more pleasure. His eyes was closed while he was breathing heavily. Damn he so fine and sexy. Very sexy my man. But damn it was like more and more loads coming inside me. This is what he been hiding? Damn I've been missing out. I already know I'm gonna get pregnant from this but I don't care.

Huey: Oh shit...nghh-

When he finished he slide out of me and just laid there on my chest breathing heavily. We was sweating, breathing, rethinking life. Damn this has got to be the best out of all the times we did it. But now we really have to clean up. If he was wearing one it would've had been that messy but me and him just laid here onto of each other trying to catch air. He was exhausted so I kissed his forehead and chuckled.

OKAY I'm done too explicit warning ⚠️! If you are not 18+ I don't think you should be reading this part...SIKE Idgaf 🤪 I'm not even 18 and I got turned on from this 😏 read at any age y'all wantz TMI but anyways continue ⬇️

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