Breakfast-Chapter 31

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(Y/N'S pov)

I woke up with my head on Huey's chest with one of his arms around me. I swear this feels so nice. I grabbed my phone checking the time to go make breakfast because today is the mission day again. I unwrapped his arm around me carefully making sure to not wake him up. And I got up out of bed slowly, putting my oversized shirt on and my slippers. Before I walked out the bedroom he spoke.

Huey: Where you going

I turned around looking at him. How did he knew? He doesn't even got his damn eyes open. I rolled my eyes and decided to respond back.

Y/N: Going to make breakfast for us

Huey: You do the same routine all the time sleep a little longer.

Y/N: I'm fully energized

Huey: I didn't ask

Y/N: I can get the hell out you know I'm in your house, right?

Huey: Damn, pushing me away again? Just like you did 2 days ago I'm sure you don't wanna be in your feelings again.

Y/N: Okay first of all I'm not pushing you away I'm just telling you. Second of all I was never in my feelings it was just that time I was in the wrong. Don't think I can't cut you off for a week that can turn into months.

Huey: And talk to who?

Y/N: I can have niggas on my line if I want to.

Huey: You're funny

Y/N: Ain't nobody joking but you.

Huey: Stay in bed longer

Y/N: I don't want to. I want to eat breakfast

Huey: You always wanna do something.

Y/N: Get up

Huey: Nah, I think imma lay here for a few more minutes

Y/N: Oh my goodness okay Huey.

I rolled my eyes grabbing my phone also and walking out the bedroom, going downstairs, and going into the kitchen taking out an skillet and other stuff I would need. I was gonna make some pancakes because why not. Who doesn't like pancakes come on now.

Y/N: Why his house is so pack with food. Which is good but it's only him. Shitttt I might need to borrow some of his food stamps.

I heard Huey come down the stairs with a lot of yawns coming from him. He so tired today maybe because of what happened last night I mean I kept telling him to keep going until I couldn't get enough of it. I couldn't help it. It was so good

Huey: What you making

Y/N: Pancakes

Huey: You got up in the early morning just to make some damn pancakes.

Y/N: Well how about you make something else then if it's such an problem

Huey: I didn't said it was a problem but the fact you left me for some damn pancakes. So much food in here you better have more than some damn pancakes.

Y/N: Huey I don't want to use your-

Huey: Okay well I'm not gonna eat all of it.

Y/N: So why you have so much food in this house!? Literally cabinets and refrigerator is packed!

Huey: For company. It's okay. I would always freeze it before it goes bad.

Y/N: Oh my god you sound like my mother.

Huey: Go watch TV I'll make the breakfast.

Y/N: I'm already making my breakfast.

Huey: What I say

Y/N: ...Who you talking to.

Huey: You

Y/N: Just because you like 6,6 doesn't mean you won't get your ass whoop.

Huey: Go watch TV I'll cook.

Y/N: Finee

I rolled my eyes and went into the living room to watch some damn TV. I swear he treats me like I'm a little kid sometimes. I know how to take care of my damn self I hope he ain't thinking I can't cook cause BABY I should be the one teaching him. I never a day in my life saw him cooking. I thought all he does is order take out or some shit or maybe Ming cooks for him. Apparently not

Huey: I'll let you know when I'm done.

He yelled from the kitchen and I said okay. Smh I wonder what it's gonna taste like because he never cooks. I never seen him cook I should say. Soon he came in the living room with a plate in his hand.

Huey: I'm done. Here

I got up going towards him grabbing the plate and looking at it. Listennnnn I had no idea he would make all this but how he cooked it so fast. It had chocolate chip Pancakes, that I didn't even think about making, with grits, some egfs and bacon and sausages with some fruitt. Okayyy. I took the fork and tried it. Then I rolled my eyes teasing him because SIR who taught you how to cook.

Huey: You like it?

Y/N: Who taught you how to cook?

Huey: I taught myself I been cooking since I was 10.

Y/N: Mhmmmm. Yeah right

Huey: Aww are you mad because I cook better in the kitchen, Darling?

Y/N: UHM no I am not thank you very much. This is just breakfast. Anybodyyy can make breakfast and it'll still be good. So don't do that.

Huey: Not everybody. But if you say so. Still doesn't change the fact that I'm just better in the kitchen.

Y/N: Well anyways the food is good.

He grabbed himself a plate too and then we was now on the couch researching and eating at the same time.

Huey: You know today is our mission day right? Later on tonight

Y/N: Yeah..I know ughhh I need an vacationnn

Huey: We haven't did shit all week.

Y/N: Yes we haveeee

Huey: It was nothing like this. Been nothing but drama and work

Y/N: Exactlyyyyy is what I am saying

Huey: Well imma take you home so you can get ready and I'll pick you up later on tonight.

Y/N: Okay

Sorry for late post this was supposed to be posted 2 nights ago but it's okayyy ☺️ but anyways more chapters is coming for the male up days I been busy but what's going to happen in the next chapter? How is the part gonna go? Will they find out who is behind this mysterious case? 🤔 Find out 🥰

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