The Lunch Meeting-Chapter 28

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(Y/N'S pov)

The next day I was getting ready because it was finna be 12 soon when I had an lunch meeting with Kai. I really don't want to go but if I don't he gonna be on my ass about it. I don't even know where we eating at but he coming to pick me up so I guess I have no choices. I decided to text Huey tho because I haven't talk to him all morning.

Y/N: [Huey]

Huey: [Hm?]

Y/N: [What you doing?]

Huey: [Nothing just watching TV]

Y/N: [Oh]

Before I could respond back again he called me and I picked up. Uh ok damn

Y/N: Sir

Huey: Ma'am

Y/N: Now what if I was in a situation where I couldn't call right now

Huey: Oh welp. Deal with it

Y/N: Anyways. Kai-

Huey: I don't wanna hear that asshole's name

Y/N: Ok. Well I'm about to go in a bit to an lunch meeting so I don't know where he taking me but do you want me to bring you any food back?

Huey: No

Y/N: You sure?

Huey: Yeah, you sound like you don't even wanna go

Y/N: I don't

Huey: Well then cancel it. I swear you the only one with no sense

Y/N: Sir if I cancel it he's going to be on my ass about it

Huey: You know, that's too damn bad.

I heard a honk outside meaning he's here. Welp this is just great but I'm sure I'll be okay just don't want too much to happen.

Y/N: Well I gotta go I'll talk to you later

Huey: Ok, bye

Y/N: Bye bye

I hanged up and put on my blue jean jacket and grabbed my phone and purse and walked out the door, locking it and getting into his car. Buckling up my seatbelt and taking a deep breath.

Kai: Hey

Y/N: Hey..where we going?

Kai: You'll see. We going somewhere you never been it's my way of my apology.

Y/N: Cool..

The past few minutes went by and we haven't said a word to each other. Once we arrived it looked peaceful. It was like a small cafe but outside, there was a lot of outside tables near blossom trees. Hm interesting

Kai: Ready-

Before he could say much I got out the car fixing my outfit. Nigga just get out of the car talking about ready? I'm just hungry I didn't came here for much. And you definitely paying because I ain't spending my money on nothing.

Kai: Ohhh ok..I guess that's a yes

He got out the car and we walked across the bridge and there was a waitress who looked nice as hell in that suit ooo this place must be expensive.

Waitress: Hello, come come this way.

We followed him and we sat down in our seats and he gave us our menus. I opened it and they had a lot of good stuff. Ooo

Waitress: May I start you beautiful couple with drinks?

Y/N: Oh, no no we not a couple

Kai: Not at all *chuckling*...

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