The Mission Pt 2-Chapter 14

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Y/N's pov

We arrived at the entrance and showed our fake ids. And he lets us end just from that. Damn they need better security. Some men was wearing masks some wasn't. Other than that they did said it was optional but wasn't for women. Again bull to the shit.

Huey: Imma go look around.

Y/N: Okay

I let go of his arm and he went his own direction. I was just looking around and trying to see if I can seek anything. They have some appetizers but I rather not touch or eat. It may have me doing dumb shit. I looked at everyone they was having their conversations in their own world. I wonder if they have member scriptions. On how long they been a member of this. I sat down in a seat to wait and see what would happen next but I stayed on my phone for further notice.

Huey's pov

I was looking around because I told Y/N we was gonna split up to figure out more information maybe she'll find something I won't. I felt a light tap on my shoulder and turned around and seeing Ming. She is apart of this? Could just be a member tho honestly.

Ming: Hiii! What you doin here silly?

Huey: A visitor. Someone told me this place is interesting and fun wanted to check it out.

Ming: Ohh it is!! Are you a member?

Huey: No first time here. I wasn't expecting to see you

Ming: I wasn't expecting to see you neither but this is not my first time here. Actually been a member for 5-6 years!

Damn, that's a long ass time. And I figured that tattoo on the back of her neck has something to do with this place. How long you need to be here to get that tho?

Huey: So what y'all

Ming: Oh you know! Just adult activities

I raised my eyebrow getting curious. As a visitor I should know but also gathering information.

Huey: Such as?

Ming: You know Sex, drugs and stuff

Huey: oh, that's private tho

Ming: Well yeah but since your here! We should do it in front of everyone on the stage.

Huey: Yeahhh no, that's invading my privacy Ming.

Ming: Oh you don't want to do it with me...

Huey: That's not it. I don't want sex right now but even if I did I am not about to do that infront of everyone.

Ming: Oh... Why you scared?

Huey: No, it just my privacy I like to keep to myself.

Ming: Oh I get it. But how's work?

Huey: The usual.

Ming: Oh. Well have fun a little!

Huey: Mhm

Ming: And I never saw your hair like that before. It's so sexy, you should wear it more often.

Huey: I prefer my Afro but how you knew it was me tho?

Ming: Your height, hair texture and you didn't really change much of yourself so I figure it was you but I just wanted to make sure.

Huey: Oh..ok?

Some man grabbed the microphone and started speaking on there. We all looked at him. Could he be the host? Maybe just in charge right now. I have no idea, but I'm pretty sure Ming must have close relations with the owner here I mean a member for 5-6 years that's a long ass time.

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