Y/N's Date Night-Chapter 38

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Y/N's pov

It was now my turn to do what I needed to do. I was already ready and was already in my car on the road. I took deep breaths I mean I believe I'm gonna be fine I'm not scared just the fact of these women's disappearance. Maybe I'll get further but I still gonna try and not look suspect he is not dumb at all. I wonder how Huey says went he didn't tell me yet. I'll hear it tomorrow because he knows I'm busy at the moment.

When I arrived I made sure I was looking decent and okay. It's a fancy restaurant after all. I went inside and check-in. The lady took me to his table and I sat down like a lady.

Mr. Long: Glad you can make it.

Oh the table already filled with food and drinks. I'd rather not. For anything he could have drugged it or at least the drink it would make sense I would've been able to see it on the food. My brain is telling me he would take women out or to his place, drug them and sexual harass them.

Y/N: Yeah, thank you for inviting me.

Mr Long: No problem Hon. So tell me about yourself.

Y/N: Uhm well just leaving freely *giggling*

Mr Long: Must be nice.

Y/N: I mean I work just enjoying myself a lot too.

Mr Long: What you work as?


Y/N: Oh umm I'm a real estate.

Mr Long: Ohh so you sell houses and properties?

Y/N: Yeah, see you get it

Mr Long: Sounds like a very good job but can also be busy.

Y/N: Yeah because you know people be looking for houses blah blah blah.

Mr Long: Yeah. Are you not hungry?

Y/N: Oh uhm I could be in a mood for an appetizer is all I'm not that hungry.

Mr Long: Oh would you like to go back to my place we can...drink there and have certain conversations.

Y/N: That'll be nice.

Mr Long: Okay

Mr Long got up from the table, guessing he gonna go check out and pay. I also think this is his other way to drug females. I got up from the table and making sure there was no crumbs on me. I don't even care for red wine to be honest but it's hard to see any time of drugs with this type of drink. As soon he came back he took my hand and we left. He opened the door for me and I got in the car. My car is in good hands so I'll come get it later.

As a couple minutes went by he unlocked his house and we walked in. This is very..roomy. Another information to add to notepad is he lives in a mansion and his address number.

Mr Long: Take a seat while I get out wine ready.

I smiled and sit down as soon as he walked away I looked around the place to see if I could find anything that may catch my eye. I seen more pictures of his wife. Martha....I would hate to ask but I wonder what happened to her. He came back in and looked at me with shock with two glasses in his hands.

Y/N: Oh...I'm sorry these pictures caught my attention.

Mr Long: Yeah my daughter and uhm my wife..

Y/N: You have a beautiful family Mr Long

Mr Long: Oh it was beautiful but..you know people come and go

Y/N: Y'all got in a divorce?

Mr Long: No she died from stage 4 cancer.

Y/N: Aw I'm so sorry to hear that.

Mr Long: It is what it is. It was a long time ago anyways. She left when Ming was 10. Although I knew it was going to happen I felt bad for Ming the most. Everyday she asks me "When is Momma gonna come home".

Y/N: When did you finally tell her the truth?

Mr Long: When she was older, older enough where she could cry whenever she wanted and not in front of others that would cause a scene.

Y/N: Oh...I'm sorry for y'all.

Mr Long: It's okay it's just life.

Y/N: Did you get remarried?

Mr Long: No, I kept my stuff busy I didn't want anyone else wearing Martha's ring.

Keeping himself "busy" I'm sure he means raping other women. Though I'm starting to learn that almost every killer does bad things because of their past. He cleared his throat and I walked over to sit on the couch.

Mr Long: Wine?

Y/N: Sure.

He gave me my glass and we started to drink. I pretended like I drunk some and placed my glass back down. I don't trust this man at all.

Y/N: Hey imma go to the bathroom real quick.

Mr Long: Sure.

I got up and went upstairs. I actually went into his room than the bathroom. Seeing if I can find anything. I heard an gun that reloaded and I turned around seeing Valerie. I raised my hands behind my head.

Valerie: Ohhh it's you.

Y/N: The hell you came from.

Valerie: What you're doing here and why you going through his stuff.

Y/N: None of your damn business was just looking for the bathroom.

Mr Long: Now Valerie, lower the gun. We just gonna keep her here.

....Hell no. Fuck this is an whole plot twist. They smarter than I thought. I thought Huey dropped her off- maybe he did and she just happened to come over here. I always knew she was suspicious from the start. They are on to me. Valerie lower the gun and Mr Long held onto the door knob.

Mr Long: I'm not gonna kill you but I am going to keep you here. You're just like Martha I can't loose you now. I'll be back in the morning don't try escaping the windows are locked and set with alarms.

Y/N: Why are you doing this

Mr Long: I'm lonely. Every woman I feel for always try to leave me.. I had no choice but to get rid of them but you... you're so much more. Just like Martha. Good night Y/N.

He closed the door and locked it. Damn it..I checked to see if my phone was on me but he had no service here. Ughhhh! I don't know how I'm gonna get out of here. This man is a psychopath.

Everything just happened so quick. The good thing is I'm not drugged. That would've been worse. I'm sure he suspected me a mile away. How the fuck I'm supposed to get in contact with Huey. I refuse to sleep he may rape my bootyhole while I'm sleeping. I decided to find something in the room they may get me out. This was gonna be a horrible night. I hope Huey be a smartass and realize I don't make it home tonight.

Sorry for late post again 🙄 anyways I made an plot twist I don't even know if this a plot twist but it's getting more interesting and closer to ending the case. But anyways is Huey going to notice that you've been missing, what's Mr Long next step, Will you be able to escape this horrify killer and psychopath find out 😩❤️

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