This Desire Between Us-Chapter 26

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(Y/N's pov)

I was now at my desk working for the past few hours with Huey. When been talking about the investigation of course because we was about to do another case on it next week. Next week is the only time we can go they visiting for guests is very limited. Even though we been working I couldn't keep my eyes off of his. His eyes had stuff an nice eye color they so brownish red sweat they could be wine. But this ain't the time for that heffa.

Huey: You good?

Y/N: Yeah why?

I been watching him bitting his lip in a seductive way everytime he catches me looking at him. Ughh he knows exactly what he be doing to me stop it this is illegallll. It took a minute and then he responds.

Huey: You been staring at me nonstop

Y/N: why you looking back?

Huey: Because it's very disturbing

Y/N: Oh well I'm sorry for zoning out or fucking daydreaming.

Huey: Oh my goodness the tone, who pissed you off so much?

Y/N: Whatever Freeman, anyways I'm hungry

Huey: Then go eat lunch.

Y/N: It's not my lunch break yet tho

Huey: Your lunch break pass you just lost track of time. Shame really

Y/N: Say what?

Damn I didn't know my lunch break already pass. Well I'll go get something to eat I'm sure there some fast food spots inside the building somewhere.

Y/N: Imma go get some food you want anything?

Huey: Depending on where you going

Y/N: I don't know probably Chick n fila

Huey: Water with Lemon

Y/N: Huey this is not an damn buffet!

Huey: So they got good customer service I'm sure they won't mind giving me water with an lemon

Y/N: Ughhh should of got that shit from the vending machine

Huey: Yeahhh, but no. I don't want no damn Dasani water. Overrated

Y/N: Whatever Huey

Before I could leave I did needed to grab my wallet but of course I had to look for it I can't keep up with shit man. I heard a key chain noise and looked at Huey with my wallet in his hands. I rolled my eyes of annoyance, I swear he always doing this shit or just dumb shit in general.

Huey: Don't roll your eyes at me or I'll make sure to do you on this desk for them to get stuck.

Y/N: Oh my- give me my wallet!

Huey: Woahhhh I'm not done ordering. I want some icecream to. Frosty whatever they got that is icecream and vanilla.

Y/N: Fineeee Damn!

I snatched my wallet from him and walked out of our office going to the main entry to buy me some lunch and Huey's water with "lemon" and icecream. And he better give me $4.15 for spending my money on his damn drink and icecream. When I arrived I was looking at the menu until it was my turn to order. When it was my turn I placed my order in the computer thingy and paid for it with my credit. Once I finished I moved to the pick up area and waited until it was ready. Soon I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around.

Kai: Hey

Y/N: Oh...hey what's up?

Kai: Nothing just came to check on you.

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