Muffins and Business-Chapter 36

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Y/N's pov

The next morning I woke up on the couch bundled up so cozy and comfortable but Huey was not underneath me. I got up stretching and then looked around looking for him.

Y/N: Huey?

I saw him come down the stairs with new clothes on. Oh?

Huey: Morning

Y/N: You showered?

Huey: Yeah.

Y/N: You are not allowed to use my shower without permission.

Huey: Damn you want me to smell like ass?

Y/N: NO! Oh my goodness

I giggled at his nonsense it's too damn early to be laughing. Soon there was a knock at my door and me and Huey stared at it before I walked up to look through the peephole. Oh it's Kai, I opened the door.

Kai: Hey

Huey: Why are you here.

Kai: Why are YOU here.

Huey: Cause I can you cannot this is private property. Fuck on

Kai: Ugh

Huey: Get mad

Y/N: ALRIGHT! Stop it is too damn early.

Kai: I just came to give you this muffin and delivered an message.

Huey: I just came to give you this dry ass muffin and delivered an message

Kai gritted his teeth at Huey after he mocked him and Huey just look him up and down chuckling.

Huey: What you gonna do? Because I promise you, you don't want this.

Kai: You always here. Go home shit

Huey: You always here delivering something ain't nobody want no crusty ass muffin. Stale ass muffin. Dunkin ass muffin

I started laughing oh my goodness I grab the muffin and thank Kai.

Kai: Ugh I hate this dude so much.

Huey: I hate when you always delivering something. Everytime I turn around you always gotta deliver something. You mind as well retired and deliver pizzas.

Y/N: *giggling* oh my goodness Huey can you go warm this muffin up for me.

Huey: Yeah. I'm scared it's going to destroy the microwave. Coal ass muffin

He grabbed the muffin as I was laughing and walked away. Me and Huey gonna be busy today so he needs to deliver the message now so I can get going.

Kai: The message Boss wanted me to deliver.

Y/N: Why he didn't just text me?

Kai: He's phone wasn't working. He hasn't paid his phone bill yet

Y/N: Damn is everything okay with him?

Kai: Yeah he just be doing dumb shit. He also wanted you to come in this morning

Y/N: Yeah I was going to so I could deliver something.

Kai: Okay and he just wanted me to check up on y'all.

Y/N: Oh Ok thanks everything is under controlled.

Kai: Soo?

Y/N: Hm?

Kai: Y'all something yet?

Huey: None of yo damn business.

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