Dance Lessons?-Chapter 27

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(Huey's pov)

I woke up the next day and of course Ming was in my bed. LISTEN hear me out it just happened, she still doesn't mean anything to me. It was just sex, she was just there let me live damn. Plus I can sleep with whoever I'm still single as a bean but I should've known better. Anyways I got up out of bed getting ready because it was going on 11 and I had to be there to train Y/N. Once I finished showering and stuff I got dressed real quick in my room because Ming was still sleep. But then I heard movement and looked at her. Nevermind

Ming: Morning Baby

Huey: Huey. And morning

Ming: Ughh, you really don't like nicknames huh?

Huey: No, get up and get dress and leave

Ming: Why you so pushy on me

Huey: Because I'm not gonna be here and I definitely don't need anyone in my house while I'm gone.

Ming: Yeah yeah, whatever. You sure you don't want any more of this~

Huey: No, it was just an one nightstand don't get too carry away with yourself.

Ming: Yeah well it was special to me because you haven't called me in a week or touched me in months!

Huey: We is not dating so that shouldn't matter to you.

Ming: I swear you been acting different since she came along.

Huey: Who is she?

Ming: You know exactly who "she" is *rolling eyes*

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I mean she's right but nothing about me been acting different but my distance of her.

Huey: Let's not forget you the one who came here last night crying because your "boyfriend" broke up with you.

Ming: He's not my boyfriend

Huey: Oh I forgot "was"

Ming: Whatever Huey

Huey: Why you didn't tell me?

Ming: I didn't cheat on him we just been off and on

Huey: Months back when we was doing it you told me you was single and you wasn't.

She rolled her eyes while getting out of bed and putting her clothes on. I don't even know if her "ex man" knows about me I hope so because Ming ain't shit at this point. I looked back at her and she just frowned.

Huey: Don't give me that. Fake ass acting

Ming: Come onnnnn you that mad at me?

Huey: No, I'm mad you lied about not having a man. Go

Ming: Huey

Huey: Get out I have places to be.

Ming: Fine I'll be back

She kissed my neck and smiled then left. I rolled my eyes again I hate messing around with women that already in a relationship but oh we the "unloyal" ones. Now where the fuck is my keys.

Huey: Of course you would be back.
*Sighs* I'm annoyed

Once she left I started looking for my keys and phone. I really need to clean my room it's not even bad just clothes everywhere and shit. Once I found my stuff I grabbed my jacket and left out the door. Would only take 15 minutes to get there anyways.

(Y/N's pov)

I woke up late as fuck, literally 11:45 aw shit. I don't know why I was so damn tired. Before I knew it there was a knock at my door. I went downstairs to open with my hair looking crazy as hell and I just woke up so of course I look like a drug addict. I opened it and it revealed Huey.

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