Suspicions-Chapter 11

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Y/N's pov

A couple hours later me and Huey finished training. I am sooo tired he wouldn't even let me take a break I could of only had a 5 minute break! I was on the bench drinking water and packing my stuff in the bags. Our mission is in 2 days and I wanted to go home and do some research. Huey came over and sat on the bench next to me.

Huey: You good?

Y/N: No it would've been nice if you gave me some breaks.

Huey: I told you from the beginning and you needed to be trained

Y/N: I can really train myself I'm not no damn dog.

Huey: how so?

Y/N: YouTube videos

Huey: Yeah well. How you think Boss would feel about that?

Y/N: Oh fucking well.

Huey: You so sassy

Y/N: Whatever.

Huey: You going home?

Y/N: Yeah in a bit. I was gonna go home and do some research on this restaurant Boss told us about.

Huey: Let me stop by

Y/N: Why?

Huey: I mean we in this together I would like to know about it too. We gonna have to get along someday.

Y/N: But-

Huey: Or at least just text me the link.

Y/N: But that's too much workkk

Huey: So I'll be there by 7:00?

Y/N:...Yeah I guess that works.

Huey: Okay. See ya Elf.

Y/N: Sir

He grabbed his things and walked away. Welp I mean I guess it'll make sense it is true that me and him is gonna go on this mission together but he changed a little bit. Still a cold hearted motherfucka but I mean it's like he has 2 sides. I got out of my thoughts and grab my things and left.

Huey's pov

I was now at my house unlocking my door and going inside. I closed my door and turned around seeing Ming on my couch. I sighed with annoyance and irritation in my groan.

Huey: Ming

Ming: Hi Huey.

Huey: How did you even get in my house.

Ming: You had an extra key in your mailbox that you told me about last time I left something here.

Huey: What you want nowwww?

Ming: Why you gotta sound so irritated

Huey: Because I am irritated. With you. With your fucking appearance. You literally just walked in here without my permission like you buggin.

Ming: I just came to talk to you!

Huey: Yeah no shit. There's obviously more than that.

Ming: ...You been so distance! And I'm really starting to think this is about that Y/N girl whatever her name is.

Huey: I been busy and even if it was that shouldn't matter to you. I gave you what you wanted last time and now you all up on me.

Ming: I'm in love with you and I just want to spend time with you. You act like I don't be busy too.

Huey: Well shit I wouldn't know you always calling my phone or sometimes I see you everywhere. I'm starting to think you have a fucking tracker on my car.

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