My New Partner-Chapter 2

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Y/Ns pov

The next morning it was time to meet my new "partner" I think it's gonna go good tho. Hopefully he's kind even though boss says he not but maybe he is to new people. I was wearing a suit with a v neck. I look good, good as hell like. But anyways right now I was working on my hair because I like ghetto but it's a time and a place. My phone ranged and I picked it up.

Y/N: Yes?

Boss: Good morning agent. He is not here right at this moment but will be soon most likely when you get here I'm guessing.

Y/N: Ohh ok I'll be there soon.

Boss: Good.

I hanged up and continued finishing my hair. I went downstairs putting on my high heels and walking out the door. I started my Tesla and while driving to work I had to jam to my music because like come on. Music just brightens up your day when you need it. I decided to be ghetto with it tho. Once I arrived I packed it in the back and went inside.

Obviously this place is private property. Nobody can't know what it really is. I don't know why maybe I'll ask boss about it. I went inside and saw a tall man who was standing next to boss. Damnnn he was sexy as fuck. But looked mean as fuck like he wanted to put me to sleep or some shit. He looked down at me while scowling then his eyes traveled down further down viewing my outfit. Yeah I know I look sexy. But he is fine and tall and his Afro is very puffy and big I decided to talk first.

Y/N: Morning boss. And hello to you too.

I hold my hand out to shake his hand but he just stared at it. This nigga has no home training or manner training for that matter. I put my hand down and he just scowled deeper at me. The hell is his problem.

Boss: Y/N this is Huey, Huey this is Y/N

Y/N: Hello Huey

He still didn't say anything he just stared at me while still scowling. What is wrong with this nigga.

Huey: Training is at 12:00 don't be late.

That's all he said and just walked out. I looked back at my boss.

Y/N: Really?! He is disrespectful!

Boss: I told you. Any questions?

Y/N: What is he gonna be teaching me?

Boss: Just pay attention and try to cooperate with him and take it easy he can really be a hothead.

Y/N: Oh. Well how old is he?

Boss: 27

Y/N: Oh he 3 years older than me

Boss: Yeah. Anyways it's 11:50 I would get going. Don't wanna make him mad

Y/N: Aw shit, you is right. See ya

Boss: Bye N/N

I hurried up to my locker room to change and then when I finished I hurry up to the gym. When I made it there he was already there taking off of his shirt but he had an wife beater on. Damnnnnn the man has muscles and that 8 pack oo! He caught me staring and scowled. Oh hell here he go again.

Huey: Are you coming or you just gonna stand there like a idiot.

Y/N: Let me tell you something piece of shit. I don't know what's going on in your life or whateva but I don't like the way you talking to me.

I walked up to him and he looked down while I'm looking up. My damn neck hurt to be looking up at yo tall ass.

Huey: Watch your mouth bean.

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