Our Investigation Pt 3-Chapter 34

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Y/N's pov

Y/N: What time the dance is going to start?

Huey: I don't know but soon probably-

People started coming out from the arcade and going to their tables.

Huey: Anddd nevermind. Remember what I trained you

Y/N: Okay.

Mr Long went upstairs and used an microphone to speak. I'm guessing that's his view to watch people dance.

Mr Long: Okayyy the last part before we end the night. As my guidance people walk around and giving every woman a piece of paper with an number on it. Men please line up.

Huey: Don't overthink it.

Y/N: I know just nervous

Huey: You'll be fine. Promise

He walked away going to go line up. I hope he the one I get to dance with. I mean I don't mind dancing with someone else but when I dance with him or just touching him for that fact I feel more comfortable. I'll be okay tho. I received an notecard and for number 15. I looked at the men and counted and it was the dude next to Huey. Which means Huey must be number 16. I walked up the the man that I would be dancing with as he stick out his hand and I took it. He walked us to a spot until it was time to start. We didn't speak to each other at all. Good just how I want it I just need to get this dance over with.

Once everyone found their partner. Everyone separated so they would have room to dance.

Mr. Long: Okay let the dance begin

The music started and we started moving. I felt my heart pounding because I have social anxiety sometimes. More like dancing anxiety. Wish I was dancing with Huey. I went along with the rhythm and I will say it wasn't as bad. He swirl me around and picked me up off the ground. Wow now. Feels like some salsa dancing but I was having fun.

Man: You've got moves

Y/N: Thank you so do you.

I giggled because I was having fun. To the point I forgot I was on a mission. But I could at least enjoy myself a little bit this is the only fun thing I was able to do tonight. I damn sure wasn't going into the arcade.

Huey's pov

Damn I was watching Y/N as I was dancing with Valerie. Was kinda pissed off because I wanted to dance with Y/N but it is what it is. Valerie cleared her throat as I turned my attention back to her.

Huey: What?

Valerie: Nothing...is that your girlfriend?

Huey: No, we are friends I was just watching her dance I taught her.

Valerie: Well why can't we dance like them if you taught her?

Huey: Because...well this song wouldn't be the right dance for it. At least she's having fun.

Valerie: I guess, so..what you like doing for fun?

Huey: Read

Valerie: That's it? You so fine but boring.

Huey: Been knew that. I only be fun when I really want to.

Valerie: Oh, what you do for a living?

I know this woman trying to make me do one suspicious move whether she investigating me or not. She started to feel on my chest. Okay too much now.

Huey: I work. Entirely too much, or at least that's what people think but I don't think so.

Valerie: Ooh what you do?

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