Taking An Bullet For U-Chapter 41

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Huey's pov

The hours went by and it was getting closer and closer to night. All of us put on a vest and protection. It was gonna take a minute to get there so they left in a van and some went in a helicopter. I was gonna go by myself and Boss was coming with me.

Boss: Alright. Let's get moving. We only have amout of time left before it's too late.

Huey: Mhm

We left the office and got in my car. I started moving the car in fast pace. I didn't talk to her since this morning and I didn't give a damn if I was passing the speed limits.

Y/N's pov

It was now getting dark outside. I was in a guest bedroom it would've been suspicious if I stayed in the bathroom all day. I also changed the clothes after I found out there was some in here.

Maybe I could make a run when he gets distracted. I looked around the room and found an pocketknife. Damn I could use this. I opened the door a little bit and saw him coming up the stairs going to the room I was supposed to be in.

I ran up to him quietly and slash his leg with the pocketknife as he fell to the ground groaning.

Mr Long: GRR!?! GET HER

I ran downstairs while being chased by his body grounds. His house is big there's a lot of places I can hide but they had guns and was shooting at me.

Before I even knew it I got shot in my leg and that shit hurt but I made it to an hiding spot I tried to cover as much blood as possible so it wouldn't make an trial. I breathe in and out quietly to not give up my hiding spot. Oo this shit hurts. Huey where are you.

Bodyguard #1: Do you see her anywhere?

Bodyguard #2: I see blood but it stopped. Making a path. She may be in one of those rooms.

I heard them exit the living room and I just kept put. I heard irritated in Long's groan. That pocket knife is the shits.

Mr Long: Aww shit my leg. Oo when I find that bitch I'm gonna- VALERIE!? Where the hell is she!? Ooo Someone give me an Aid Kit or something! Useless ass people...

Mr Long: You can't hide for long.

As he said I heard a gun being loaded.

Mr Long: come out Im not gonna hurt chu. Just wanna talk.

My phone started to vibrate and I panicked. All of a sudden I got service now!? Oh shit it's over for me.

Mr Long: Gotcha.

He got closer to the couch and saw me then pointed the gun at me while smirking.

Mr Long: Sleep dreams-

The door kicked open revealing Huey and Boss. Oh my goodness shoot this motherfucker. Long looked surprised as soon as he seen Huey. That is right Long never suspected Huey working for the Agency.

Boss: HANDS UP where I can see them!

Mr Long grabbed me and placed the gun on my head.

Mr Long: If anyone moves I'll blow her brains out.

Huey: Let her go.

Mr Long: No. I know I'm gonna die but she will too if anyone makes a fucking MOVE! Lower y'all guns.

I kicked him in his jaw as he fell to the couch and shots were fired from the other rooms.

Mr Long: NGH! My wisdom tooth! Errr!

I was trying to get closer to Huey and heard an bullet being released from a gun but Huey held me tight and rotated us. Taking a bullet for me. My eyes went wide as I seen him taking in the pain. Boss shot Long at his chest and ran up to him to handcuff him. I held Huey in my arms tightly as we sinked to the ground.

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