I Should've Been Your Company-Chapter 9

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Y/N's pov

A few hours later there was a knock at my door. I opened to see who it was and it was Kai. I grabbed him by his arm and dragged him in and we sat down on the couch.

Y/N: Hiii

Kai: Hey! You called me to practice and watch a movie if you wanna.

Y/N: Yeah I did. I just needed some company you know?

Kai: Yeahh I get it. I was free today anyways so I'm not bothered by it.

Y/N: Oh okay well anyways-

Kai: Hey I have a question

Y/N: Sure go ahead.

Kai: Is you and Afro dude dating?

Y/N: Who...? OH Huey?

Kai: I mean if that's his name yes him.

Y/N: No of course not. What makes you think that

Kai: Oh I don't know he just seems. Overly protective of you

Y/N: That's because he my partner.

Kai: Oh, well yeah that makes sense but like does he has to be all the time.

Y/N: He doesn't have to at all that, I don't know what's making him act that way tho.

Kai: Oh well anyways you look beautiful today like always

Y/N: Awww thank you.

Me and Kai was just talking about random things and then he placed his hand on my chin and came close to me. Ooo things getting heated before I knew it his lips was placed on mines. It felt different I guess? It's not how I would imagine if I was kissing Huey. The fact it felt so much passion when I was kissing Huey in my imagination but I feel nothing when I kiss Kai. But this ain't no imagination. He then placed his lips on my neck and started sucking. I pushed him back before things get out of hand.

Y/N: Uhm..

Kai: What's wrong?

Y/N: Nothing I'm just you know new to all this. I'm a virgin and

Kai: Oh it's ok. So am I

Y/N: You is?

Kai: Sorta

Y/N: There is no sorta

Kai: Well no. But I wish, I mean if you don't want this it's ok

Y/N: No I- just it just I'm new to all of this that's all...I haven't had sex before and haven't been kissed in months. From my past relationship

Kai: Oh I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable-

Before he could finish I heard my door banging. Oh my god who is banging like they the police. I checked the peephole and saw Huey. Oh lord. Uhmmm

Y/N: I need you to hide.

Kai: Why? Who's out there?

Y/N: It's Huey and he will flip if he sees you.

Kai: Oh, damn

Y/N: Hide in the closet.

Kai: Okay

Kai hurried up from the couch and hide in the closet. I made sure none of the stuff that was his was visible and then I opened the door.

Y/N: Hey Huey

Huey: Hey. What took you so long?

Y/N: Nothing I was just in a different room

Huey: oh

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