RAH : 01

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Beomgyu | someone

"Oh, Hi Beomgyu! Why are you calling me this so early? What's the probleam? Did you fight with Ryujin? Should I hit that bitch?"

"Soobin-hyung! This is so urgent as fuck! I need your help! I need your help before this week ends!"

"Oh, urgent huh? Okay what is it?"

"Do you remember when I said I have a fiancé? And that he's soon going to marry me?"

"Ahh! Why? Are we finally going to meet him? Should I go tell junne that we're finally meeting this mysterious fiancé of yours!?"

"No! I mean, no!— ugh i'll go straight at the point. Actually, I have no fiancé.... i'm just telling that I 'have' so Mom won't worry me anymore and she'll stop spoiling me."

"Oh. So we got clowned. Should I go tell junnie that we got clowned by our bestfriend?"

"Can you please stop dragging Yeonjun-hyung to our conversation? I'm talking to you not to him! And please stop joking, Mom and Dad's going home next week!"

"Oh. That's bullshit. So what am I supposed to do? Pretend that your fiancé went to Hawaii and blah blah blah?"

"No. I'm wondering if you can recommend someone to pretend as my husband. Maybe, you know someone who I can rent and pay to pretend"

"Well. I do know someone that will surely agree to your 'pretending' thingy. But I guess you have to pay a big amount. Y'know, money"

"Ryujin-noona is ready to pay this someone as long as he'll agree to pretend as my husband. Please Soobin-hyung!!! Convinve this someone you know"

"I'll try. This guy is kinda bit busy so expect that you'll pay a big amount. So that's all? If that's all then goodbye! Still have to cuddle junnie, love you!"

"Ugh, love you too hyung. Enjoy your cuddle"

"So what is Soobin's response? Did he recommend someone that can pretend? Make sure that someone knows how to act!" Ryujin was with Beomgyu and she heard the conversation between the two. She even heard slightly what Soobin called her but she chose to ignore it because she and her brother is in the middle of urgent.

"He said he knows someone, but he still needs to convince him. I hope that 'boy' will agree." Ryujin is hoping too. They are running out of time and this 'rent' thingy needs a damn whole lot time to explain. "Yeah. I'm hoping too, Mom and Dad will be here in two days!" Today is friday, they only have two days, saturday and sunday, to convince the only someone to pretend!

"Noona, what if he says no? What if he disagrees and will never be agree? What shall we do?" That question was floating in his head since last night. "Then we'll find another, dummy!" Ryujin replied. Beomgyu bit his lip, he is so nervous!! He is so nervous that all he wants to do is dig a hole and hide there forever, never show up in front of his parents again.

"Let's just hope, okay?" Beomgyu nodded. Beomgyu decided to find another someone to pretend just in case.


Rent A Husband : K.th x C.bg ✔Where stories live. Discover now