RAH : 13

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Two days later - 10/17/2022

"Beomgyu, your wedding is nearer!! I can't wait to see you walking down the aisle with your groom waiting for you!" Ryujin spoke. They are in the mall to buy clothes. Not only clothes, but also other stuff that they can include at the wedding next month.

"Noona! Stop with the 'wedding'. You know that me and Taehyun were just pretending. Stop hoping for Taehyun to marry me." The purple boy complained. Taehyun was with them at the mall, but he went to the section of men clothes.

"Come on, what if Taehyun caught feelings for you? You guys have been staying together for almost three weeks now. It's impossible for you two to stay mutual." Ryujin fought back. She believe that these two are secretly gaining romantic feelings for each other.

"Stop it. Someone might here us." Beomgyu tried to stop the conversation , but Ryujin likes teasing him. "And why would he gain feelings for me? People don't fall in love in just three weeks." Beomgyu added.

"Bro, Romeo and Juliet fell in love instantly when they first saw each other!" Beomgyu rolled his eyes. Ryujin is good at delusions.

"I don't care. And oh, don't compare me to Juliet. I'm not in love with Taehyun." He said. Ryujin wanted to laugh, Beomgyu's obviously trying not to make any reaction when he said that 'statement'.

"Are you done there?" Taehyun showed up with three different colors clothes hanging on his arm. Beomgyu look up from the clothe he inspected to Taehyun who's damn looking so fine.

Taehyun looks attractive on his eyes lately.

"Yeah. If you're also done with yours, then we can proceed to the jewelry station." Ryujin said.

"Oh, I'm done with mine. Let's go?" The three of them went to the jewelry station. They have to go there because Taehyun & Beomgyu needs to pick a ring for their wEdDiNg.

"Noona, are the rings even necessary?? What i'm trying to say is, me and Taehyun agreed that we will never marry each other and that the deal will end week before the wedding." Beomgyu said. Ryujin didn't respond, as if she didn't heard what Beomgyu said.

Beomgyu was about to repeat it again when Taehyun suddenly stopped him to utter. "You don't have to repeat it, Beomgyu. And let her be, she knew this 'rent' thingy more than us." Taehyun said.

Beomgyu stopped from walking, Taehyun also halted. The purple haired boy faced him, "But we agreed that the contract will end before the wedding. I-I can't just let you marry me, and I know you're not going to marry me. So what's the point of buying rings?" Taehyun wanted Beomgyu to continue walking because Ryujin is walking too far from them now.

Taehyun clicked his tongue. "Let's not talk about it here, Beomgyu. We're in public. Let's talk about this when we're home—"

"No, answer me Tyun. Why aren't you stopping Noona from buying rings? Why can't you tell her that you can't stay as my fake fiancé for any longer? Why don't you just tell her that you're not willing to help me further?" Beomgyu's voice are getting louder. Taehyun can sense judgement gazes looking at them.

"Beomgyu, stop with that, people are looking at us—"

"Who cares if those Homo Sapiens are looking at us? Explain to me Taehyun, why did you kiss me? Why are you acting like you're my real fiancé? You hate this rent thingy but why are taking it seriously now?" Taehyun bit his inner cheek and stopped Beomgyu with his drama.

He grabbed his wrist and lead the both of them at the nearest restroom. Both of them forgot that they are with Ryujin.

Taehyun, together with Beomgyu, entered one of the stalls, locked the door, pushed Beomgyu against the wall, and kissed him— roughly.

Beomgyu squirmed at the kiss. He tried to shove Taehyun's hands away from his but the Taehyun's hold got only tighter and tigher. He desperately want to get away from him, until Taehyun couldn't get enough.

Taehyun held both of Beomgyu's wrist in one hand, his other one hand(the left) traveled behind Beomgyu's neck to hold his nape. The kiss was getting messier in every move Beomgyu made.

Taehyun only parted away when he needed to breath air, not only him, but also Beomgyu. He didn't let go of Beomgyu, he is afraid that he might push him away just like before when they kissed for the second time.

Random butterflies flying inside their stomach. Beomgyu wanted to ignore the fact that it is the thing they called 'butterfly effect', but his mind couldn't deny.

Meanwhile, Taehyun was already used with the effect. He accepted the fact that he, himself, is.. attracted to Beomgyu. Not only attracted, but maybe more than attracted. He realized that he's attracted with him after the day he took care of drunk Beomgyu.

It might sound straightforward, but things happens unexpectedly. He didn't expect for this to happen. He didn't want to be in love or attracted with Beomgyu. The feeling was just so sudden that he almost want to make the boy his.

"Just shut the fuck up, Beomgyu." Taehyun muttered. Beomgyu glared at him.

"Let go of me..." Beomgyu mumbled.

Taehyun licked his inner cheeks before letting go of Beomgyu's wrist.

Beomgyu stepped out in front of Taehyun, but before he could step a foot outside the stool, Taehyun grabbed his arm & pulled him back. Beomgyu gasped, his body crashed against the other boy.

"Don't leave me alone after sharing a kiss with me." Taehyun said. Their eyes staring at each other deeply. Beomgyu is flustered. Taehyun, something about Taehyun changed. His eyes, it's brighter and it dilated with his. Beomgyu wanted to cut his gaze from his eyes, but he couldn't move a single thing.

"Tell me, Tae. Are you in love with me?" The question that keeps floating inside his head finally flew out from his mouth.

"And what if I am?" Beomgyu lowered his gaze.

"Then that will be the worst thing that will between us." Taehyun felt a pang on his chest. Beomgyu shoved his hand away and marched out from the stall, out from the restroom.



"Hey, why did you leave us earlier???" Ryujin suddenly entered inside Beomgyu's room.

Beomgyu sighed and sat up. "Noona. Things between me and Taehyun are getting weird lately." He consulted.

Ryujin occupied the sit beside him. "Weird? What type of weird? You gained feelings?"

"No... the type of weird... ugh weird!!! Noona! What the fuck is problem with me??" Whines escaped from Beomgyu's pouty lips as he lay down on his bed & hid his face with a pillow.

"What the fuck is your problem, dude?? Tell me. What is it??" Ryujin yanked the pillow from his brother's face.

"Noona... what if I told you.. that Taehyun..is stealing kisses from me lately??" Beomgyu's cheeks brightened. Thank god Ryujin didn't laugh at him.

"That's great! If you two gain feelings for each other then you guys will be a official couple! I or we don't have to worry about the wedding anymore! I don't have to worry about the rent thingy!" Ryujin has a point.

"B-but... he hates me... he hated me because.. because of this rent thingy." Beomgyu uttered. Ryujin gently smile & land a comforting arm above Beomgyu's shoulder.

"Dude, I won't forbid you from falling in love with him. That dude is perfect for you." She said. Beomgyu hated the fact that he has a blush on.

"Omg Noona, i think i'm falling..."



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