RAH : 30 | epilogue

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"Taesung! Be careful!" Beomgyu exaggerated when Taesung dashed past beside him. They are going to pay a visit to Eujin's grave since it's been a long time. Beside Beomgyu are the two little kangs who are happily circling and playing with their appa.

"Taehyun, we're surrounded by graves! Can you pay a little respect and be quiet?" Eoppa seems to be angry and the two kids behaved. Taehyun grinned & moved closer to his cute pouty Beommie. "I could make you kneel & suck me behind that tree—"

"I DID NOT HEAR THAT!" Beomgyu shouted & hurried his pace to escape Taehyun's little plan. Taesung and Beomhae chuckled & went beside Beomgyu. Taehyun smiled and hurried behind them. He brought the things Beomgyu wanted him to brought for the visit so he have no chance to hold Beomgyu nor the kids.

When they arrived to the grave, Beomgyu can feel his heart trembling. Taehyun grabbed the blanket and place it on the ground for them to sit on. The kids attacked the basket of foods & argued who should eat the apple pie. Taehyun noticed his lover's motionless body, so he told the kids to stop arguing and comfort him.

Beomhae adorably hugged Beomgyu's legs & got her Eoppa's attention. "Are you crying??" She asked with her head tilted to the right.

Beomgyu smiled and wiped the tears forming on his eyes. "No, my Beomhae. Eoppa is just happy to realize that Grandma's happy cause we payed a visit. Go to Taesung & share with the apple pie." Beomhae smiled and returned to his brother, immediately yanking the apple pie from Taesung before he could take a bite.

"Beomhae! That's mine!" Taesung screamed and they fought again. Taehyun let out a tiny sigh before grabbing the vulnerable pie from the two and pick the knife. The two watched their appa cut the pie into halves & give them each one after that.

"You're fair now, okay? Stay here and eat that pie while I go to your Eoppa, okay?" Beomhae & Taesung nodded their heads. Taehyun place his hands on their head and patted gently. He then stood up to join Beomgyu. He placed his arm around Beomgyu's waist, starting him.

"Mom won't be happy to see you all gloomy & teary in front of her." Beomgyu sobbed, eyes already looked red due to the tears. Taehyun softly stroked his hand on his sides. "The kids doesn't want to see you crying, and I'm pretty sure that mom doesn't want to see you crying too. So please stop crying, baby." Beomgyu, though was crying, blushed.

"You're no help, tyunie." A yelp escaped from Taehyun's mouth when Beomgyu hit him on the chest. Beomgyu kneeled down to light the candles he brought while Taehyun placed the flowers beside the grave. When they finished placing all the stuff, Beomgyu cried again and hugged his knees. "I missed her."

Taehyun crouched next to his lover and drape his arms around Beomgyu's shoulder. With a sympathetic voice, "Me too. All of us missed her." His eyes wandered around Beomgyu's face before staring down to the grave.

"Hey Mom, how are you doing there? If you  are asking the same question to us, well we're doing great with the kids. Sometimes, I think our kids are psychopaths because damn, they often stick forks at each other's eyes and they look like they will actually going to stab each other's eyes." Beomgyu chuckled because it  was true. Taesung and Beomhae often do pointing forks at each other.

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