RAH : 02

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@Cafe'talle shop

Beomgyu is shaking, he's nervous, excited, he can't wait to meet 'that someone' who's willing to pretend as his 'husband'. He got the money with him, exact ten million just like what the boy wanted. He remembered how Ryujin was so calm when they redraw the money from the bank, she looks like she doesn't care about the large amount she lose.

Beomgyu is patiently waiting of that boy. While Beomgyu is waiting, let's take a quick peek of Beomgyu's life. So Beomgyu is the son of the two most-paid businessmens in Korea. He has a older sister named Ryujin, named after their grandmother. Chois and Shins are popular when it comes to trades and deals.

That explains why their family is rich. But the two choi siblings are different from the their relatives, Beomgyu and Ryujin rather save their money for their future. Their parents wants to spoil them with anything what they want, but the two rather not get spoiled by them.

Beomgyu loves to be spoiled sometimes. He loves the way his parents would put their attention on him. He likes attention. But his sister Ryujin would not allow him to be like that further. Ryujin hates it when Beomgyu relays on their parents. She hates it when Beomgyu thought that their parents could take care of him forever.

"When will he arrive? Didn't Soobin said that we're meeting here? Am I at the right cafe?" Yesterday night, Soobin told him through text that the boy agreed to be rented by him. The two of them, Beomgyu and Ryujin, were glad to hear that of course. Now, he's desperate to meet him.

'What does he look like? I hope he's good looking just like what I thought! He could be hot or sexy. Geez, focus Beomgyu!' Beomgyu scolded himself.

After so many... many... many... hours passed by, "What the fuck, it's already night! Where is that fucking man!? Bullshit are they joking with me!?" Beomgyu fished his phone out from his pocket and went to the contacts to dial his bestfriend.

"I swear to god, if you won't fucking answer my call, I will sue you, Choi Soobin!" He faced the screen of his phone upon his hear and waited for the call to be picked up.

"Ugh! He's not answering my calls! What am I supposed to do? What if that boy pranked the both of them!?" Beomgyu dialed the number again, but just like the first attempt, nothing happened. He dialed his bestfriend over and over again until he lost his patience and gave up.

Beomgyu randomly throw his phone upon the table and sighed deeply. "Those fucking jerks" He muttered under his breath. He leaned on the table and hid his face above his folding arms up on the table. He didn't think that this would happen.

He was about to tear up when someone's hand suddenly landed on his head. Beomgyu jolted from his seat and immediately look up to see who's the owner of the hands. "Uhhh do I know you, mister?" He asked the boy in front of him.

Meanwhile, Taehyun was stunned in awe. The boy or who he assumed as Choi Beomgyu was damn cute. He didn't actually plan to pat the boy's head, it was his hands who suddenly moved its way towards the boy's fluffy hair.

Taehyun found himself admiring the pretty boy. He have seen someone this pretty, he do got a lot of ex-girlfriends but none of them matched the beauty of this stranger who asks for his help. Without further a due, Taehyun decided to answer the male's question.

"I assume you're Choi Beomgyu. The guy who seeks for my help" Beomgyu's eyes widened. So this is the guy who his bestfriend, Soobin, recommended to him. For Beomgyu, the man surely is hot and handsome. He got this sexy aura that every boys wanted to have.

"Wait are you the boy who agreed to be my fake husband? Please say yes, i'm running out of time!" Beomgyu intertwined his fingers like he's praying, but he's actually begging for the male in front of him to say 'yes'.

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