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Pete POV

I wake up from something touching my lips. I try to open my eyes and already feel sore all over.
Vegas is bending over me with a smile on his face.
"Good morning baby did you sleep well?" He says as he puts something on my lips.
"What are you doing Vegas?" I ask him in confusion.
"I bit your lip yesterday and it was bleeding so I'm putting something on there so it'll heal quickly." He says.
I look at his face with love in my eyes and sit up trying to make it look like it's easy and doesn't hurt as I give him a small kiss on his lips.
"I love you Vegas." "I love you too baby." He says and kissed me gently.

I try to stand up but Vegas holds me down. "Hold on a minute I have something for you." He says.
I'm confused and watch him as he walks out of the bedroom.
After a minute or so he comes back with a bowl of ice cream and sits on the bed next to me. Did he really bring me ice cream?
"Vegas you don't like it when there's food on your bed let's you to the couch."
He stops me before I can even move. "Honey it's fine I'm betting you can't even stand right now."
He says smirking at me.
Ugh I'm not letting him do this. I look at him with an angry face and I see him setting the ice cream down on the nightstand as he watches me.
I get up trying not to make a sound because I can feel everywhere he attacked me yesterday.
I stand up and almost collapse because my legs aren't working well enough.

"Don't be stubborn Pete just sit on the bed and eat some ice cream with me, please." I hear him say.
I know he's right so I reluctantly sit down on the bed again as he comes closer and takes the bowl of ice cream spoon feeding me. "I can do it myself I'm not a child Vegas." I say
"I know you're not a child just let me care of you a little." He says as he feeds me more ice cream.

I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep again with the sound of his heartbeat.

I wake up not feeling Vegas around me so I look around the room, Vegas isn't here. "Vegas? Vegas?" He must be downstairs, I look at the time and it's almost two o' clock, as I try to stand my legs are still wobbly but I manage to stand up and walk to the bathroom.

After i take a shower I do my face routine because I know Vegas needs me to do it, fucking neat freak. I love that man.

I walk out of the bathroom drying my hair and walk to the closet, I look at myself in the mirror of the closet and see purple and red spots everywhere on my body. I close my eyes remembering yesterday and I feel my cheeks heating up. I quickly toss aside the memory and get dressed.

As I walk downstairs I hear music coming from the kitchen and I see Vegas swaying a little with the music and the cute apron I bought for myself a while back. I stay at the foot of the stairs staring at the man I love with a smile on my face.
"Are you going to come down or are you just going to stare at me?" Vegas says. This man has eyes in the back of his head.
"I was just staring but now you've ruined it." I say.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm making chocolate pancakes, you like chocolate pancakes don't you?"
I look at him in surprise.
"Yes I do but why are you making them?"
"Because you like chocolate pancakes Pete."

He starts walking towards me putting the spatula down. He takes my hand and spins me around ones and places his hands on my hips swaying me to the music.
I love this man to death, how can he be so cold and emotionless to others but still so loving and caring to me?
He walks me backwards and lifts me up onto the counter, he kisses me gently but never removes his hands from my waist.

"Oii I came down for food not to see you two flirting." Macau came walking down the stairs and stopped in the kitchen as he saw us.
"Good morning Macau." I say as I hop of the counter pushing Vegas back to where his pancakes are almost burning.

"Good morning phi." He says with a smile on his face and walks to me. He hugs me and I hug him back, I love Macau like he is my own brother.
"Did you sleep well? Are you hungry? Would you like some pancakes? What are you doing today?" I ask him
"Yes. Yes. Yes. And uni. That was like a whole interview in 10 seconds phi, congratulations."
He teases me, I ruffle his hair and go to grab the plate of pancakes Vegas just finished making.
I started walking away when I suddenly felt two hands snaking around my waist holding me back.
"So you're just going to ignore me when my brother comes walking in huh?" "I'll punish you for this." He says and I can feel him smirking into my neck as he kisses it.
"Don't be a baby Vegas come on lets eat." I say turning around and giving him a quick peck on the lips, he smiles at me and I smile back as we walk to where Macau is waiting.
"Can you put some clothes on phi we're eating here and I don't need to see those."
Macau points out the red and purple marks on his chest and abs and I feel myself getting red.
"I quite like it like this don't you Pete? I think it suits me" He says smirking.
"Vegas don't be an ass put on some clothes we're eating." I say avoiding eye contact with both brothers.
A minute later Vegas comes back wearing a shirt and we start eating and talking.
It's nothing unusual but it still feels great every time. I feel like I finally found my family with them.
"Pete are you listening?"
"I'm sorry what?"
"I said we have to leave in thirty minutes will you be ready by then?" Vegas asked me.
I don't know where we're going so I look at him with a puzzled look on my face.
"The main family mansion Pete, do you not remember?"
"Ooh right yes I know we have a meeting O'll be ready." I say as I put some pancake in my mouth.
"Phi are you okay?"
"I'm fine Macau I was just thinking about something don't worry about it." I say smiling at him.
"Okay phi I have to go to school thanks for the pancakes and I'll see you tonight."
"Wait Macau why don't you wait half an hour and come with us to the main mansion, you always pick up Porschay right? You can take the car and Nop." I say as Macau is about to leave.
"That's okay phi I'm going by myself today, Chay said he wasn't going to school." "Okay bye now see you tonight."
"Be careful and pay attention in class."
He smiles at me "Yes sir." He says while laughing and he walks out the door.
I see Vegas smiling at me "What are smiling about?"
"You. You're just so great with Macau."
I looked at him and smiled.

Vegaspete. You're mine And i'm yoursWhere stories live. Discover now