The party pt2🔞

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(What they're wearing;))
Pete POV

Vegas took my wrist and led us away from the party, when we were far away in one of the halls he halted his steps and threw me against the wall.

"What the fuck are you wearing Pete?!"
He screamed at me.
I look at him a little bewildered. I saw anger in his eyes but I wasn't scared.
"Don't you like it?"
I ask with a small smirk.
"You're practically naked Pete!"
He yells at me as he puts his hands next to my head on the wall.

"Thankun picked it out for me." I say with a calm voice.
"I don't fucking care who picked it out for you, what I care about is that everyone is staring at you like they want to eat you. You're mine Pete. Don't go around flaunting your ass everywhere."
He says still angry.

"Don't you like it?" I ask again.
"Of course I don't like people staring at you, you're MINE."
"You don't like the outfit?"
I ask and touch his bare chest with a finger.

I see him calming down a little and he looks at me.
"I- I like the outfit."
Did he just stutter? Did Vegas Theerapanyakul, the psychopath just stutter?
I try not to smile but a small smirk appears on my lips.

I trace my finger down his chest onto his abs and he throws his head back a bit.
My other hand travels to his neck and up to his ear. Sensually touching the spot right behind it, the spot he likes.

He says as my face lifts to his and I start kissing and licking his neck.
I ask him.
"Pete if you don't stop I'll fuck your brains out in this hallway."
He says head still thrown back.

I twist us around so he's now with his back against the wall. His eyes are closed and my hand that was on his chest has now gone further down to the waistline of his pants.

His breathing has grown louder and he moans a little with every touch of my fingers.

This is my chance.

I kiss his neck again and before he could even open his eyes I'm gone. I run through the hallway back to the party as I hear him yell after me.
"Pete come back here now! Pete I swear to god."

I laugh and keep running to the party. After 2 minutes of running I run through the big door leading to the party and collect myself before walking to the table where Macau is sitting alone.

"Hey Macau why are you by yourself?" I ask as I sit down next to him.
"Woow phi Pete you look so handsome tonight."
He says admiring my outfit.
I blush a little at his compliment and ruffle his hair.
"Thanks kid you look very handsome too, are you wearing your phi's clothes."
He smiles at me. "Yes phi Vegas let me borrow them for tonight do you really think I look handsome?"
He asks excitedly.
"You look even more handsome than your brother."
I say and wink at him.

"So why do you want to look so handsome?"
He looks at me a little flustered.
"Are you looking for someone?"
I ask and I see some redness coming to his face.
"It's nothing phi."
He says shyly.
"You like someone! Tell me I can help you! Who is it?"
I exclaim excitedly.
He laughs a little awkwardly and almost whispers to me.

"It's Porsche."
"It's who?! You can't like Porsche Macau! I'm sorry but you just can't"

"No phi not Porsche, I like Porschay." He says louder then before.
"Oh thank god you scared me Macau."
He laughs a little.

"You like Porschay?"
He nods.
"Why don't you just tell him? I'm sure he likes you back."
"No I don't think so, I think he still has feelings for Kim."
I look at him.

"Macau they broke up months ago, I think Porschay has moved on. If you don't tell him he'll never know."
I say and put my arm around his shoulder.
"But phi what if he still likes Kim?"
"I'm sure he doesn't but you'll never find out if you don't talk to him. I can ask Porsche about it if you want. Don't worry I won't tell him you like his brother. He might kill you"
I say and look at Macau.

Vegaspete. You're mine And i'm yoursWhere stories live. Discover now