The island

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Pete POV

The two week vacation is over and we're all going home.

We arrive at the airport and there are 2 jets waiting for us.

"Why are there 2?"
I ask and Macau shrugs.

"One is ours."
"What? Why?"
"Because our vacation isn't over yet."

I look at Vegas in confusion and then at Macau who also looks confused.

"What are you talking about? Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."

He takes my hand and walks us to the jet.
I hear Macau talking to Venice behind me.
"Daddy Vegas is acting weird don't you think little devil?"
"Vegas this is your fault. Macau don't call him that."

Vegas smiles and winks at Macau and I slap the back of his head.

We get on the plane and Vegas sits down with Venice in his arms next to me.

"Aahh fucking Thankun again."
Vegas groans and gives Venice to me.

"Thankun get the fuck out you're not coming with us."
"Yes I am. I can't leave my Pete with a psycho like you on a plane."
"He is MY Pete and he's coming with me wether you like it or not so you either get off this plane by yourself or I'll kick you out."

"Vegas calm down."
He says without looking at me.

"Pete you're coming with me right? You won't leave me again for satan right?"
"Thankun I swear if you don't get out in 3 seconds I'm kicking you out."

"Vegas calm down. Khun No, Vegas is taking us somewhere else. I'm sorry but I'll come by the mansion as soon as I get back. I promise."
"One, two."
"Fine fine I'm leaving. One of these days he'll leave you and come back to me. Watch."

He says before exiting the plane dramatically.
Vegas sits down next to me and takes Venice again.
He stares out the window.

"Vegas don't take it seriously it's just khun No talking. You know I won't leave you right?"
"I know baby."
I kiss him on the lips lightly.

We've been on this plane for nearly 5 hours and Vegas is sleeping next to me with Venice sleeping on his chest.

I look back and see Macau staring out the window with headphones in and I walk to him.

I tap on his leg and he looks at me taking out his headphones.
"What's wrong?"

He looks out the window and I take a seat facing him.

He looks at me
"It's Kim."
"I had my suspicions. Tell me what happened."
"Nothing happened really but I just don't like that Kim is still going after Chay. I'm so jealous all the time.
He kept following Chay around and he told him he was still in love with him multiple times. What if Chay decides Kim is better than I am and he leaves me? What if I'm just the rebound?"

"Macau don't think like that. Kim told him he loved him and Chay told him he doesn't feel the same. He let everyone know it's you he loves and not him. He had his chance and blew it Macau.
Don't get hung up on the past. You're an amazing person Macau, and Porschay knows that.
He's head over heels for you. I can tell by the way he looks at you. You're not the rebound Macau. There's nothing to be afraid of.
Porschay loves you."

He looks at me and I stand up from my seat and take the seat beside him.

I put my arm around his shoulders and hug him tight.
"And if Chay doesn't realise who he has than he screwed up because he'd never find someone better. But that won't happen Macau. He loves you."
"Thank you phi."

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