A date pt 2🔞

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Pete POV

I woke up in my own bed with my own man, it feels good to be back.
Most of my wounds had healed for the most part by now.

I hug Vegas and walk to the bathroom. I look in the mirror and see the cut that Dean left on my face.
There's a big cut from the top of my cheek to the edge of my jaw and one from my forehead going into my eyebrow.

I trace my finger over them and see Vegas walking into the bathroom.

"Pete-" he starts.
"I'm okay Vegas I promise don't worry." I say turning to him.

He walks to me and puts his hand on my face tracing the cuts on it.
"I'm going to make him regret this. I'm going to make him regret even existing." He says.

I put my hand on his face and place my forehead against his.

We head downstairs to eat breakfast and tell the maids to leave for the day after cleaning. All the bodyguards that are inside are send to stand guard outside except for Nop.

"Would you like to have a date with me?" Vegas asks holding my hand.
"Always." I say and smile at him.

We walk through the door to the basement and see three men tied on chairs.
One of them is Dean, the other one is the bodyguard who tortured me and the third and last one alive is the guy who drank the water.

I turn to Vegas.
"Vegas that the hell is this?" I ask him and turn back to the guy.
"A date." He says smiling and I smile back.
"What's your name." I ask the guy who drank my water.
"Please don't hurt me." He says with tears in his eyes.
"I'm not going to hurt you don't worry."
I say.
"What's your name." I ask him again.
"Techno." He says and looks at the ground.

"How long have you worked for Dean?" I ask him.
"Two weeks."
"Why did you choose this job?" I ask him.
"Does it fucking matter?!" Dean chimes in.
"Shut up I'm not asking you. Why did you choose this job?"

"I didn't. My family was threatened. We don't have any money so I need to take care of them. I have 2 little sisters and my mother can't work anymore because she's sick. They threatened to kill them." He says and tears are rolling down his cheeks.

"He reminds me of Porsche." I say looking at Vegas and he nods in agreement.
"I'll give you a choice. You can work for me and my family of we can let you go and will never bother you again." I say.

He looks up at me with tears still leaving his eyes.
"Why?" He asked me.
"Because I don't think you're a bad person and you didn't hurt me so I don't think it's fair to hurt you." I say.

He looks at Vegas who's looking at him.
"I want to leave." He says crying.
"Okay." I say and untie him. I walk him upstairs and out the door. I tell one of the bodyguards to take him home and give him my number in case he changes his mind.
"Take care of your family." I say when he gets in the car.

"Thank you. For everything." He says and I close the door.

I walk downstairs again and Vegas looks at me in surprise.
"What just happened?" He asked me.
"I just got you a new bodyguard who'll be loyal, you're welcome." I say and give him a kiss on the cheek.
"Didn't he just leave tho?" He asked.
"He'll call." I say and turn to Dean.

"Hey Dean how are you doing?" I ask him as I sit down on a chair in front of the two men. Vegas follows.
"I told you Vegas' nots were better."
"What the fuck do you want?" He asked me looking up at Vegas and me.
"We want to hurt you." Vegas says.
"What happened to your face Dean you look terrible." He adds.

Dean doesn't say anything but looks at me.
"You did that?" He asked me turning his gaze on me.
"I've never been more proud of you baby."

"And what happened to you?" He asked taking off the bandage on the other guys ear.
"Damn that looks infected." He says.
"Your psycho boy toy bit it off." He says scowling at me and I smile at him.
"It didn't taste that good either." I say.

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