Suspicions 🔞

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Pete POV

"Hey Macau do you want to get some ice cream with me?" I ask him as I walk into his bedroom.
"Is it just the two of us?" He asks me. I have been spending almost all my time with Venice so it's never just the two of us anymore but we have a nanny for a reason so I asked Erika to take care of him for a while.

"Is that okay?" I ask him.
"Yes, I mean of course." He says happily.
"Okay great, go put on some clothes and I'll see you downstairs." I say and walk out of the room.

I walk into the office where Vegas is working.
"I'm going out for the day with Macau, I think we're going to do some shopping and get ice cream. I'll be home before dinner."
I say.
"Take two bodyguards, it could still be dangerous." He says as he starts to walk to me.
"Yes sir." I say jokingly and turn around to leave when he puts a hand on the door to stop me.

I turn around to look at him and he takes a step closer to me.
"What are you doing?" I ask him as his face comes even closer to mine and I can feel his hot breath on my lips.
"What did you just call me?" He asks me.
I feel my skin heating up and Vegas starts kissing and biting my neck.

An involuntary moan comes out of my mouth.
"Ve... Vegas... Vegas I can't right now."
I say but he's not stopping. One of his hands makes it's way to my ass and he grabs it firmly.

"What did you just call me?"
He asks me again.
"I was... uhh... I was just joking Vegas."
"No stop. I have to go."
I say as I gather all my willpower and push him away from me.
"I love you bye." I say and run out of the office down the hall.

I rest my back against the wall of the hallway as I try to calm my breathing.
After a minute or so I walk downstairs and Macau is already waiting for me.

"I'm sorry it took so long, Vegas had something to talk to me about." I say and he looks at me, not like he believes me by the way.

Macau walks in front of me out of the house and I walk after him. Nop takes my arm and whispers in my ear.
"You have something on your neck." He says and points to it.
I walk to the mirror and look at my neck.
That asshat left marks. Goddamnit.

"So how's it going with Chay?" I ask him as we're browsing a store.

Macau POV

Phi Pete came into my room to ask me out for ice cream and he said this time it could just be the two of us.
I love Venice but lately phi Pete doesn't have a lot of time for me, I understand of course and don't blame him. Babies need a lot of care and attention.

But I'm very happy we could go somewhere just the two of us and two bodyguards but they don't count.

"So how's it going with Chay?" He asks me as we're looking at clothes.
"Well we had a movie night some time ago. Nothing happened and I'm honestly scared to tell him. What if he doesn't feel the same. What if he just laughs at me or something."

"What are you talking about Macau of course he won't laugh at you. Vegas told me how he felt and it was..." he trails off.

"It was what?" I ask.
"That's not important. Anyway, Chay will never laugh at you why would he?"
He asks me.

"Macau I promise it'll be okay. And if he doesn't have the same feelings for you that's okay too. You'll be sad but you will get over it. I didn't have the same feelings for Vegas at first but now look where we are. I'm not saying that if Chay doesn't like you back you should keep going after him, but if he doesn't you'll get over it. It's a part of life Macau. But I'm almost 100% sure he does feel the same. Who wouldn't like you."
He says and pinches my cheek.

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