The meeting

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Vegas POV

I was just about to stand up and walk to the bedroom again as it had been over 20 minutes but then Kinn came through the door.

"This better be urgent I don't like being rushed Vegas."
He says as he sits down on the couch.
"I want Dean gone, this business deal is not going anywhere and I don't trust him." I say.

"You interrupted my morning with Porsche because of jealousy?!" He almost yelled at me.
"I'm not jealous Kinn. I just don't trust the guy."
I say hoping to convince him.

"No you don't like that he's interested in your wife so now you're jealous and are trying to get out of it, probably without Pete's knowledge."
He says matter- of factly.

He's right.
I sigh but try to keep my composure.
"Don't you trust Pete?"
"What are you talking about of course I trust Pete, it's him I don't trust. He keept following my boyfriend as if he's a lost puppy and my boyfriends ass is his new owner."

"You really have a way with words Vegas."
"How would you react if he was interested in Porsche."
I knew i made my point because he sat back and sighed.
"Look Vegas I know you love Pete but this is a good deal, if this deal goes through it'll be big for us. We could have spent millions more on this deal if he had better knowledge on what he was selling."
I know he's right but I just can't stand the guy.

"Fine have it your way." I say standing up and walking off to leave.
"Vegas you know I'm right, Pete loves you and he's not leaving you for some sleazy guy with a nice suit. You should know him better than this."

As I'm driving home I can't stop thinking about that mans hand on Pete's shoulder. I know he didn't shake it off just because he was mad at me but it still angers me.

"You can stop here." I tell Nop and he stops the car at Pete's favourite southern restaurant.

After getting home I put Pete's breakfast on the table and walk to the bedroom. It's empty. I walk to the bathroom and that's empty too.

I walk downstairs again and see a note hanging on the fridge.

"Be back tonight, Khun no invited me to hang out today. Xxx"
It said.

As i sit down on the couch Macau goes into the kitchen. "Hey phi is there any food left? I'm starving."
"There's some on the counter but it's Pete's so you won't like it." I say looking at him over my shoulder.

He grabs a plate and puts some rice on it, the sauce looked very red, it must be very spicy.

He sits down on the couch beside me and puts the plate on the coffee table.
"Macau I told you that's Pete's, don't touch that."
I warn him.
"Phi Pete isn't even home, I ran into him as he was leaving and he told me he was going to spend the day with older cousin."

"Macau I mean it, you can't eat that it's way too spicy for you." I said with a warning look.
"Oh don't be dramatic phi I can handle it. Phi Pete makes us southern food all the time and we can eat it."
"That's because Pete MAKES it, this is MADE for people who can tolerate it."
"What's the difference?" He asked me.
The difference is that Pete knows we can't handle the spices they put in it and makes it way less spicy so we can eat it.

Oh well, it's his funeral.
"Never mind."
I say and he takes a large bite. I can see him struggling and sweat starts to form on his forehead as his face goes red.

"So how is it?" I asked teasing him.
He swallows the rice and almost puking it right back up.
I almost can't hold my laugh as he's breaking out sweating but he keeps his cool demeanour.

"It's so good phi." He says holding in a cough.
"Here take another bite." I say as I took a large spoon of rice and a lot of the red sauce and hold it in front of his face. There's tears in his eyes but he still tries to prove me wrong.

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