Panic attacks

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Vegas POV

I woke up with Pete in my arms, I kissed his forehead and buried my nose in the crook of his neck.

I stood up and walked to the balcony taking out a cigarette and lighting it. After I was done I walked downstairs and got Pete his favourite food. Rice that was way too spicy and ice cream.

I walked upstairs and put it on the coffee table in my second office in our large bedroom. I walked over to Pete and kissed his head trying to wake him up. He was still sleeping and I would let him if we didn't have to get going to a meeting with that dick.

I know if I let his sleep trough it and went alone he'd chop off my balls and kill me so I just woke him up.

I put my hand under his neck and stared massaging it.
"Baby wake up, come on we need to get going to the meeting."
I whispered to him, some unknown sound came out of him but he kept his eyes closed.
"Come on love or we'll be late and you'll blame it on me."
"Vegas, uhh."
"What's wrong baby."
"It hurts." He whines still with his eyes closed.
"Where does it hurt baby."
I kiss his nose and a small smile appears on his face.
"Come on wake up I brought food."

He opened his eyes at that and tried to sit up. His body flinched but he pretended there was nothing wrong.
"Oh so for food you'll wake up huh?"
I ask pouting.
"You know how I feel about food Vegas, don't come between me and food."
I laugh a little and give him en quick peck on the lips.
"I know honey."
I say and pick him up bridal style.

"What are you doing Vegas I can walk."
He protests.
"Are you sure because I just saw you sit up"
I say not intending to let him even if he says he's sure.
He stops protesting and I put him down on the couch in front of the food.

"You brought me rice and ice cream? I love rice and ice cream."
"Yes baby just eat."
I say as I'm trying to get up from the couch but feel him grabbing my shoulders and putting his legs around my waist to stop me. I almost lose my balance and put my hands next to his head not to fall over.

"You're so adorable Vegas. I love you."
He says with the most innocent smile I have ever seen.
"Give me a kiss."
I say and he kisses my lips gently.
He lets go of me and I sit next to him on the couch while he's eating.

"Come on take a bite it's not spicy, I promise."
He says as he puts the spoon in front of my face.
"No Pete you know I can't eat that."
I say putting down my phone and looking at him trying to spoon feed me.

"Vegas I promise you can eat it, don't you trust me?"
He asked with a pout and I open my mouth for him to give me the food.
"You were actually going to eat it?"
He asked bewildered.
"Yes, I trust you."
I say and he puts down the spoon getting on top of me he plays with my hair and kisses my cheek.

"What has gotten into you, why are you in such a good mood Pete?"
I ask a little worried.
"I slept great."
He says with a sly smirk playing in his lips.

He puts his nose on my cheek and traces my face with his nose. Getting to my ear he whispers to me. "Vegas, can we do that again?"

I almost got hard at the question and groan a little.
"I would love nothing more baby."
I say and put my hand on his chin directing his lips to mine. He opens his mouth for my tongue to enter but I quickly change my mind and stop the kiss.

"You were going to feed me that? My tongue is already burning and I didn't even eat it. Your mouth is fucking hot Pete. Shit."

I say and he gets off my lap and gives me a bottle of water before getting back to his breakfast. I hear him laugh a little. Sly minx.

Vegaspete. You're mine And i'm yoursWhere stories live. Discover now