Break up?

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Pete POV

I really didn't have the energy to fight with Vegas tonight so I slept in Venice's room again.

I walk downstairs with Venice in my arms and Macau was sitting at the table.

"Morning Macau."
"Good morning phi."
He walks to us and takes Venice from me.

I look around to see if Vegas is here but he wasn't.

I walk upstairs to our room and he's not there either.

"Phi Vegas already left. He told me to tell you he'll be home late again tonight."
"Did he say where he was going?"
"The main family mansion."
"Thanks Macau."

I ate breakfast and called aunt Erika to look after Venice for today and went to the main family mansion.

I ran into Porsche and he asked if I wanted to go smoke in the garden.

We walk into the garden and light our cigarettes.
"Is Vegas in a meeting with Kinn?"
"No Vegas isn't here. Kinn is working in his office."
"Is something wrong?"
"No it's nothing."

He fucking lied. Again.
I can't take this.
Is he actually cheating on me?

After we finish our cigarette we walk inside and Thankun flies at us.
"Let's watch a drama."
I nodded and Porsche groaned.

I didn't have the energy to tight with Thankun so I just sat on the couch thinking about Vegas.

After hours of sitting on the couch with Thankun and Porsche, Porsche took my arm and made me stand up.

I look at him in surprise and he presses his finger to his lips and pointed at the sleeping Thankun.
We walk out of the room as silent as possible and close the door.

"Pete what's going on with you?"
"It's nothing."
"It is something. Come on Pete you're my best friend. Just tell me already."

I sigh deeply and look at him.
"I think Vegas is cheating on me."
"I've barely seen him in the last 2 weeks and he already lied twice about where he was. He said he'd be here today but he wasn't then a few days ago he went out drinking with Yim. He came home drunk and we haven't talked since."
"What? What about the wedding?"
"I didn't want to ruin your wedding by causing a scene so I just ignored him and I slept in Venice's room the past few days."

"Pete. Vegas would never cheat on you. I'm sure everything is fine."
He says sitting us down on the bench in the garden.
I look down at the ground holding back tears.

"I have an idea. We're going out tonight and you're going to forget about all your problems."
"No you are not sulking all day because of Vegas. We are going out and we are going to have fun."

I think for a moment and nod slightly.
I guess it's better than sitting on the couch waiting for Vegas who is probably out cheating on me.

Porsche and I have dinner together with Arm and Pol and walk to Kinn's office.

"Kinn, Pete and I are leaving. I'll see you tonight."
"What? Where are you going? You're just going to leave you husband here alone?"
"None of your business and yes, my husband should be used to it by now."

I walk outside so I don't see have to see them kiss or cuddle because it only makes me think of Vegas.

"Don't be so sour Kinn. I'll come home eventually."
"Hmm, you better."

After 5 minutes Porsche walks out of the office.
"Why are you standing here?"
"Because I don't want to see that."
He starts blushing.
"Shut up."

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