Happily ever after🔞

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Third person POV

"Vegas I'm so nervous, my palms are sweaty."
"It's okay Pete. It's just friends and family. You have nothing to be worried about."
"What if something goes wrong Vegas?
What if I say my vows wrong?
What if I forget them?
What if I accidentally say no?
What if someone ruins the wedding?
I look stupid.
I can't do this Vegas."
Pete is pacing around the room rambling on.

"Pete please relax. It's going to be fine. You want to marry me right?"
Vegas says taking his shoulder to keep him standing still.
"Of course I want to marry you Vegas don't be stupid."
Vegas chuckles and takes Pete's face in his hands.

"Breath Pete, calm down. It's just a wedding."
"But what if-"
He gets cut off by Vegas who kisses him on the lips.

"Pete, I need you to calm down because you're stressing me out. It's just a ceremony in front of friends and family. We've been together for more than 2 years and will spend the rest of our lives together and this wedding is just a very short part of that but it will be amazing. I promise you. Now calm down and breath."
"You're right. I'm sorry."
He sits down on the couch when Porsche comes in.

"It's time."
Vegas nods and Porsche walks out again.
Pete stands up and walks to the door.

"Pete wait."
He takes Pete's hand.
"What's wrong? Do you not want to marry me anymore? You can't back out now Vegas."
Pete starts to ramble nervously.
"PETE! Calm down please. I want to marry you and I just wanted to tell you how perfect you look."
Pete blushes at his words and looks af him.

"You look so handsome Vegas."
They smile at each other and give each other a quick peck on the lips before opening the door.

They walk down the isle holding hands and Vegas brushes Pete's hand with his thumb to calm him down a bit.

The beach looks amazing. There's a big white carpet laid out on the sand and everyone is here.
There's a big arch with flowers at the end of the altar and Vegas and Pete take their places.

They look at the crowd and everyone is smiling at them, except Thankun.
Macau, Venice, Pete's grandparents and Kinn and Porsche are in the front row and Porsche gives Pete a reassuring smile.

"It's time for the vows. Who would like to go first?"
"I'll go." Vegas says and smiles sweetly at Pete, who is already holding back tears.

"Pete, I don't even know how I can put into words how much I love you and how much I appreciate you being with me. You gave me a family and I'll always be grateful for that.
I never knew I could love anyone the way I love you and you are the reason I'm still alive. I wouldn't have survived if it wasn't for you who made me appreciate my nong and Venice. I wasn't raised to be a good person or to love, I was raised to be cruel and take what I wanted but you taught me how to love and appreciate what I have, which is everything I need and will ever need. I love you Pete."

Tears are leaving Pete's eyes and he's trying to keep it together.
"I love you Vegas, it was perfect."
He smiles at Pete.
"Your turn."

He clears his throat and looks at the crowd in front of him.
"Su su." Porsche mouths to him and he nods.

"Vegas, I never thought I'd get married or have this perfect and special family of my own but ever since I realised that I loved you I knew I'd never leave you or the family we built together."
His voice breaks and tears are rolling down his cheeks.
"Breath Pete, you've got this."
Vegas says while wiping Pete's tears.
He takes a deep breath and continues

"Macau is like the little brother I never had and I am so happy we adopted Venice together, without you this never would've happened. Thank you for coming into my life and giving me a family, and thank you for loving me and making my life so special.
I love you Vegas and I'm so happy we're getting married."

Vegaspete. You're mine And i'm yoursWhere stories live. Discover now