Going clubbing🔞

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Pete POV

I get to the main family mansion and Porsche walks up to me and hugs me tight.

"Ai'Pete I'm so happy for you but if he ever hurts you again I won't just shoot in front of him."
"Thanks Porsche. Did you just say you shot at Vegas?"
"Well not at him. In front of him but that was when I thought he cheated on you."
"You're a good friend Porsche."
I smile at him and he lets me go.

"Let's go smoke."
I nod my head and we walk to the garden.

"So I tried some of those things with Kinn."
"What things?"
"You know... the things."
I look at him in confusion and he sighs.

"The things you and Vegas use."
I blush a little.
"That's nice."
I don't really want to know more because I don't want to know about their sex life but Porsche keeps talking.

"It's very different but very good at the same time."
"You know Porsche? I don't really have to know this."
"Don't be such a prude."
"I'm not. I just don't want to know about your sex life and I regret telling you about mine."
He rolls his eyes.

"So how was your trip to your grandparents?"
"The first days were terrible because of what happened but then Vegas showed up and I kind of punched him."
"You did?! I'm so proud of you Pete!"
I chuckle.
"But then the explained what happened and asked me to marry him and I said yes."

He takes my hand and looks at the new ring on it.
"It's really pretty Pete. I'm so happy for you."
He seems genuinely excited for me and it makes me really happy to have him as my best friend.

"Let's go out tonight. We have to celebrate."
I smile at him and we go inside after finishing our cigarette.

Thankun yells at me when I come in the door.
"Ai'PETE! You didn't get engaged right?! Porsche and Kinn are lying right?!"
"No khun No they're not. I'm getting married."
"Pete please don't do this. He's already your boyfriend, isn't that enough? I'm begging you Pete don't marry him. He'll lock you up forever and we'll never see you again."
He's dramatically grabbing my shirt and big fake tears roll over his cheeks.

"Thankun stop bugging us and go away."
"Shut up Porsche do you realise what this means?"
"Yes it means Pete is happy and wants to marry Vegas. Let him be."
He takes Thankuns hands off my shirt and rolls his eyes at him.

"Okay let's go watch a drama."
He stands up like nothing happened and pulls us into his room to watch tv with him.

"Who is that?"
"What is this even about?"
"Why do you watch this?"
"Is that the same guy from before?"
We keep asking Thankun questions because we realised a while ago when we ask questions he gets annoyed and throws us out.
Apparently he's the only one that can ask stupid questions.

He throws us out of his room and Porsche high fives me. We walk to Porsche and Kinns room and I sit down on the couch.

"Let's go clubbing. We never go clubbing, it'll be fun. We can invite everyone."
"Let's invite Arm and Pol. They're always on duty, they're off duty tonight so they'll definitely come with us."
"I'll call em."

Porsche picks up his phone and calls Arm.
"We're going clubbing tonight and you and Pol are coming with."
He smiles at me.
"Great! Meet you out front tonight. Wear something nice."

He puts away his phone and sits next to me on the couch.
"Let's go shopping. We need new clothes for tonight. Then afterwards we can get lunch."
"Why are you so excited?"
"Because we never go out clubbing."

The door opens and Kinn walks in.
"Baby are you here? I'm stressed and I meed to unwind."
"Shut up Kinn."
"Oh hey Pete. Didn't know you'd be here."
I awkwardly smile at him.

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