Morning routine🔞

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Vegas POV

I woke up hugging Pete and kissed him on his forehead.

After taking a shower and putting on a suit I went downstairs and told Nop we needed to go to the main family mansion.

When we arrived a steaming Thankun stomped my way. Shit this can't be good.
He yelled at me while being held back by Pol and Arm.
"Ugh Thankun, If you want to see Pete, call him and ask him if he's available I don't have time for this."
And I walked away.
He yelled at me but I ignored him and walked straight to Kinn's office. It was empty.

I walked upstairs to his bedroom but got held back at the door by one of his bodyguards. "Khun Kinn is sleeping Khun Vegas, you can wait for him downstairs."
"Sleeping my ass." I say and push him away while walking in.

I stomp into the bedroom. "What the fuck Vegas get out!" Porsche yelled at me as I see his naked back on top of Kinn.
"We need to talk Kinn."
"Go wait downstairs I'll be there in an hour."
He said winking at Porsche who looked like he wanted to bury himself alive.
"No we need to talk now, I'll be in your office. Be there in 10 minutes."
"Can't it wait?" He asked me.
"VEGAS GET OUT NOW!" Porsche yelled yet again at me still on top of Kinn.
"It can't wait. 10 minutes Kinn." I say walking out.

Porsche POV

I woke up feeling something tickle my neck, I open my eyes and see Kinn's face burried in my neck as he's kissing it.
"Kinn what are you doing." I asked him in a sleepy voice.
"Waking you up." He says grinning at me.
He tries to kiss me but I dodge his lips and put my hand on his mouth.
"Stop it I haven't brushed my teeth yet. And how are you always horny?" I ask him.

"Practice baby." He says smirking at me as he bites my neck again and plays with my nipple with one hand while the other went down to touch my now awoken core.
"Uughh Kinn don't leave a mark."
I say as he gets on top of me straddling my waist underneath him.
He looks at me while still playing with my nipple.
"Huh?" I asked and he looks at me with sincere eyes.
"I love you. Will you marry me?"
I'm startled at what he's saying but hit his chest and laugh at him.
"What are you talking about you weirdo?"

"I love you Porsche."
He says again. "I love you too Kinn."

I flip us taking him by surprise. I am now on top and he's on his back. I start kissing his neck and then his chest. I go lower and lower towards where I know he wants me.

I lick the slit of hot cock that's dripping pre cum and he calls my name "Porsche."
I tease him by ever so slowly licking his length and playing with his balls with one hand.
"Porsche just... FUCK!"
And that's the moment I'd been waiting for. Just as he's about to beg me to take it in, I take his whole length to the back of my throat almost gagging because it's so big.

It's oddly satisfying giving Kinn blowjobs, I love hearing him moan as I'm taking him inside me. Almost as much as I love him thrusting his core into my hole, not that I would ever admit to it of course.

He moans my name more as I force my mouth wider and make my head bob faster around him.
He's about to cum, I can hear it from his breath and feel it on his dick.

Just as he's about to cum I take my mouth off of him and he curses in protest. "Ugh shit Porsche... why did you do that?"
"If you want to cum you have to do it inside me."
I say getting my face so close to his I can almost taste his breath.

He lunges upwards and turns me on my back as he's sniffing my scent. "Why do you always do that?" I asked him.
"Because I'm addicted to your scent." He says laying harsh kisses on my neck and chest.
"Uughh, uh Kinn."
His hand went yet again to my core and he started stroking it up and down. A little too slow.

"Kinn go faster." I say as my breathing became faster and more shallow.
He smirks at me "Are you sure?"
"Uughh Kinn just d... UGH FUCK!"
I yell as his hand is now going way too fast and gripping me way too hard.
"Kinn not so fast or I'm gonna... KINN wait, uuhh shit."
He slows down again and puts his mouth on mine like he needed oxygen and I was the only one who could provide it for him.

He stopped stroking my core and put two fingers into my hole without warning.
"UGH Kinn."
I say still having my mouth on his. I can feel his smile against my lips and start sucking his tongue again.
Plunging my fingers into his hair I tug it and his face lifts up a bit. I take this opportunity to bite his bottom lip and just as I'm doing so he enters into me with full force.

I scream but no noice came out as his mouth has already landed on mine again.

"Fuck Porsche you're so tight."
He brushed my prostate earning a deep groan from me. After that he kept hitting the same spot over and over again, faster and faster.
"Porsche I'm gonna cum."
"Cum for me Porsche..." He said as one of his hands had snaked into my hair pulling my head back even further into the bed.

He almost screamed my name again and came inside me. The sight and pleasure he's giving me taking me with him over the edge as I claw at his back and call his name loudly.

Riding Kinn was so pleasurable because I could make it so he would hit just the right spot. As we were both on the edge again a heard a bang and Vegas stormed in while I was still on top of Kinn .

I stopped what I was doing and heard Kinn groan in annoyance.
I yelled at him as I tried to get off Kinn but he held unto my waist.
"We need to talk." He said not even bothering to turn around at the sight in front of him.
"Go wait downstairs I'll be there in an hour." Kinn said winking at me, shameless asshole. I rolled my eyes at him.

No we need to talk now, I'll be in your office. Be there in 10 minutes." He says seriously.
I'm a little concerned with his tone of voice and the serious look on his face
"Can't it wait?"
Kinn said. I am really loosing my patience now, Kinn won't let me get off of him and I'm afraid Vegas can see both of us being entirely naked. If it wasn't for the blanket wrapped around our lower halves he would've.

All of a sudden I feel Kinn's hand palming my cock still looking at Vegas, a twinkle in his eyes, I almost can't contain my moan and cream at Vegas.
"It can't wait. 10 minutes Kinn."

And he finally walked out. Kinn was still stroking me and as I tried to get off of him with embarrassment playing on my face he holds me tight and bounces me on him again.
"We're not done yet." He says.

I start moaning and unconsciously I start bouncing on Kinn's cock again.
10 minutes later we were done and after cleaning himself up Kinn walked towards me and kissed me on my cheek.

"I love you, get some sleep okay? I'll be back in an hour and we can get some food."
"I want boba." I said sleepy and my eyes closed falling asleep again.

Author's note.

This chapter is a little shorter because I also want a bit of Kinn and Porsche in the FF as I sometimes feel like they're a bit overlooked in VegasPete FF. (I'm definitely not hating on any of them I just want to put my own spin on it.)
Don't worry it's not going to be all Kinn and Porsche. You're here for VegasPete after all.
Okay bye love ya.

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