Hey baby I missed you

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Pete POV

I woke up with a throbbing headache and felt my arms bound behind my back to a chair.
Goddamnit, again?!

I look around the room and it's almost empty except for a bed and some chains hanging from the ceiling. This brings back memories.

A guy is standing in the corner of the room near a small table. I could see he was a bodyguard and I could guess who's.
"You can tell your boss I'm awake." I say not looking at him and he walks out.

I fidget with the ropes and lossen them a bit after five minutes of trying.

Someone comes walking in after a hear the creek of the door. I wasn't scared of him and I don't know why.

"Hey Pete how are you adjusting?" He asks me and crouches down in front of me.
"Eh, doing pretty well." I say indifferently.
"That's good." He says and grabs my chin making me look up as he stands up again.

"You're so pretty." He says and caresses my hair.
"Yeah I know my boyfriend tells me that all the time." I say and feel a hard sting on my cheek where he slaps me hard.

"Don't talk about that piece of shit, you'll forget him eventually." He says and smiles at me.
"So what do you want from me?" I asked him as he lets go of my face and leans against one of the walls.

"I want you." He says and walks up to me again.
"And now I have you."
"Yeah well good luck keeping me." I say and turn to look him in the eye.

I need to taunt him a little.
"My boyfriend likes keeping me too much but I'll tell you a secret."
I say and he walks closer to me and puts his face close to mine.
"Oh yeah? What's that?" He asks me.
"His knots are better."
I headbutt him, he staggers backwards grabbing his nose and I kick him in the stomach.

Someone comes up behind me and takes my arms so I can't move but I throw my head back against his and blood comes rushing down.
I punch his nose and he falls down unconscious.

I take the gun out of it's holster and hold it to Dean's face.
"Not bad." He says wiping the blood of his nose.
"I know, I have a headache now thanks for that." I say and open the door walking backwards still pointing a gun to Dean.

I feel something pushing into my back and stop moving.
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Hands up." He says and I comply.
He takes my gun and instructs me to go into the room again.
A few other men keep their guns pointed at me and someone else chains me to the ceiling with the chains.

My arms are up and I'm standing on my feet looking at Dean again.
"Get out." He says to his men as he stands up and walks to me. 
"How's your nose?" I ask him smugly.
I'm tempted just to annoy him to death.

"As well as yours." He says.
And he punches me on the nose, blood coming out and my head flying backwards.
"Payback." He says and smiles at me.
"So what is it you want Dean? You can't tell me you kidnapped me because you have a crush on me." I say.

"Well I can't say that's the only reason. You're very smart Pete."
He says.
"Well go on then." I say.
"I lost a container full of heroin a few months back and I know you bosses have something to do with it." He says and I look at him a little confused.

"As far as I know they don't. We haven't stolen anything and if we had I would've told you because it would be long gone by now anyway."
I say trying to look at him but he walks behind me and places his hands on my hips.

"That's okay, I'm fine with just you." He says.
"Get your filthy hands off of me you disgusting fucking toad." I say.

He walks away from me to the door. I look at my hand that's chained to the ceiling and Vegas' ring is still there.

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