Wedding bells

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Pete POV

I get home and Vegas isn't even here.
I walk upstairs to the bedroom and put Venice down in his crib after bathing him and changing him into his pyjamas and he fell asleep right away. It has been a very long day for him.

I pick up my phone and call Vegas but he doesn't pick up so I go take a shower and go to bed.

I wake up and Vegas isn't in the bed with me.
He's not in the bathroom either so I take Venice out of his crib and dress him.

We go downstairs and I make him breakfast. He's not drinking baby formula anymore so I gave him a smoothie with fruit and vegetables, he actually likes them and so do I.

We drink our smoothies and I set him down on the ground where he starts crawling. Then Macau comes downstairs.

"Good morning."
"Good morning phi. Good morning Venice."
He gives Venice a kiss on his head and then gives me a short hug.

"I made smoothies. It's good for your health, drink some."
"Thanks phi."
"Did your take your medicine?"

He sits down at the counter on the stool and looks at Venice.
"He's already so big."
I smile at Venice and then at Macau.
"He's growing up fast."

Me and Macau start talking about the wedding that's happening TOMORROW?! and he had asked Porchay to be his date.

He's smiling and talking excitedly and I listen to him.

"Have you seen Vegas?"
"No I don't think he came home last night."
"I thought he said he had to work."
Macau shrugs.

I'm a little worried, where the hell is Vegas and why doesn't he pick up my calls?

Macau yells and points to Venice who is walking on his own.

"Oh my god. MACAU HE'S WALKING!"
I run to Venice who just fell when I yelled.

I take his hands and make him stand up.
Macau is a few metres away and sits on the ground.

"Venice come here."
He puts out his arms for Venice and Venice starts walking very unstable but reaches Macau who lifts him up and praises him.

"Venice you did so good! Walk to papa Pete."
He puts him down again and Venice starts walking to me.

I can't stop smiling and Venice is smiling too.
He reaches me and I pick him up. I kiss him all over his face and he starts laughing.
"Baby that was so good. You did such a good job honey. You're such a big boy."

I stand up and walk to the couch where I lay him down on his back and start tickling him.
His cute little baby laugh can be heard through the living room.

I stop tickling him and pick him up again.
"Macau did you see that?! He can walk!"
I yell excitedly and Macau smiles at me.

"Yes phi I saw it."
He chuckles because of my excitement.

I set Venice down on the ground and he starts crawling to his blanket with toys.

I wish Vegas was here. He missed such an important mile stone.
I start thinking and my smile drops slightly.

"What's wrong phi?"
"Nothing." I smile at him.
"I just wish Vegas was also here."
"We can show him when he gets home."

Yeah and when will that be because I haven't even seen him yesterday morning.

I toss aside the thought and look at Macau.
"Want to go to the mall today? We can get lunch and maybe some ice cream. And we can play in the park with Venice."
"Sure phi."
He smiles at me and I ruffle his hair.

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