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After the massacre that was yesterday, the last place I wanted to be was in the middle of Mary's party. However given the fact she'd helped me finish the jackets and she'd helped me clean the rest of my flat after I sent Marcos maid away, I felt like I owed her At least an appearance. So here I was, taking her advice and letting my hair down. Literally, my hair was flowing passed my shoulder for the first time in months and I'd also managed to shimmy into a red dress. I hated getting dressed up these days and as a result I hadn't put in any further effort. I didn't want anyone to think that me wearing a face full of make up and wearing a low cut dress meant I wanted to be taken advantage of.

Mary had encouraged me again before she left that I would feel safe, that Lenny would be nearby if I wanted to leave and that her family were very close knit. It gave me some comfort but effectively I was stood in a room of strangers and I felt more vulnerable than I had when I met Leo and Marco earlier in the week. Typically I had ordered myself a drink, a slimline tonic with lime juice. No alcohol as per usual. I couldn't trust myself under the influence. I couldn't let myself be vulnerable.
"Now either you're haunting me, or my aunt has a beautiful friend she hasn't told me about" a deep yet familiar voice said making me turn to my right. My saviour from the restaurant was stood in front of me and I couldn't help but show a small smile. "As spooky as this is, if your aunt is Mary then yeah, we're friends. Colleagues perhaps" I smiled softly as I sipped my drink. "Oh you're Diane's daughter" he said looking slightly shocked as he leant against the bar before ordering himself a whisky. Straight.
"You know your aunts friends well" I chuckled curious as to how he knew of my mother. "Mary talks about you fondly. Besides I like to know who my family are working for" he said honestly as I looked at him confused. "You scared they work for the mafia or something. I promise you I'm just an independent designer" I said holding my hands up as I chuckled. "I know, Mary said just as much" he smiled warmly. "Glad I'm considered a good employer in your books" I said as I rolled my eyes. "Last I heard she did it on a voluntary basis" he said raising brows. "Yup, she won't accept payment. Don't suppose you can change that can you" I said wondering if he could influence who she worked for whether he could convince her to take a pay check. "Doubt it. My aunt is very headstrong." He smiled knowingly at me as the woman of the hour came over. "Oh good you two have met. Sofia I hope he's behaving" she smiled brightly at me. "The prefect gentleman" I nodded at her as she looked at me excitedly. "Good, you be nice you hear me." She said turning to him. As he held his hands up in defence once more. "Aunt Mary I'm always nice" he smirked at her. "You can't pull the wool over my eyes I can see past your charm Luca" she said as if she were scolding a child. "And so will Sofia" she added as I tried to hide my smile. "Busting my balls as always aunty. Don't you have guests to greet" he said mockingly as I chuckled. They seemed to have a wonderful relationship, almost like mother and son as opposed to aunt and nephew. "I do. Now Behave. Especially you" she said as she glanced at him before leaving us be.

"I think you should fire her" he joked as he turned back to me. "I'd be lost without her. She's irreplaceable" I smiled back genuinely. "Christ don't feed that to her ego" he smirked at me as i acted out a lips sealed mime. "She did help me out though, at least I know your name now" he said as he took another swig of his whiskey, looking over the tin if the glass at me the whole time. "And I know yours" I nodded with a small smile. "It suits you" he said as he glanced from my eyes to my lips. "You think" I said curious as to his reasoning. "Sure, a beautiful name for a beautiful woman." He said easily like he hadn't just hit on me. "Is this what your aunt meant by behave" I said trying to avoid his comment. "Perhaps. Should I not hit on you" he asked as he fiddled with the Rolex on his wrist. "I don't usually warrant male attention" I said as I looked down to my feet. "And yet both times I've seen you you've captivated me" he offered as I gulped. I could feel the bile rising in my throat, was he expecting something from me. "You look like I just told you I shot a man" he said somewhat indifferently. "Have you" I found myself asking as he tilted his head in confusion.

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