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I had felt nervous all morning. It hadn't helped that I hadn't slept a wink despite being in Lucas arms, fearful Marco would somehow get to me. The FaceTime with Alessia this morning hadn't helped either as she was a bundle of nerves and I seemed to feed off her energy. She had looked stunning though, her dress sleek and white and very well, her - With all its glitter and diamonds. I knew Leo would love seeing her in it, even if she was panicking about what he'd say. She was so totally consumed by her own stress I don't think she'd had time to analyse mine which was fortunate. I couldn't have her telling Marco I was off or fidgety as he would call us all out instantaneously. I'd rather not poke the beast on my best friends wedding day.
We had set up my phone so that it was projecting to the wall. We were using nothing but an old fashioned projector so Marco would have no clue the entire Marchetti family could watch. I had bargained with Luca that in order to preserve my best friends safety, perhaps only key people should watch which he'd happily agreed.
So here we were, Luca, Tony, Louisa, Mario, Lenny and I, along with some techy guy I hadn't caught the name of. We'd clicked the link and I was sat with the phone, which was reflecting via projector onto the wall. The page was still blue and wasn't even remarkably interesting. As I sat with baited breath I thought about how I should've been there. How I was meant to be there. Right now we would be bundling down the stairs to get to the marquee, me and the bridesmaids holding Alessia's train as she hurried to see her husband. Within seconds the screen seemed to come to life and Gio face beamed at me with a thumbs up. With it being a stream there was no way of communicating back to him but I smiled never the less. Sure he'd shot at me, but the man was a lovable fool. As he moved away the camera focussed on the isle. Alessia had put us at the best angle to be able to work out who everyone was. It wasn't intentional, she'd set it up so that I could watch her walk the isle, it just helped because right now we could see the entire contents of that room. Every single person. Mario snapped several pictures as I watched luca scour the footage. I looked at the screen blankly, I had no clue what my father looked like. I was of no real use here. Would I be able to spot him, would he look like me. "Looks clear to me" Luca said as Mario nodded from the desk, his systems running facial recognition on the photos he'd taken. "There's a few people I'm surprised are there. But he isn't." Mario confirmed as the doors opened, my best friend stood there as I audibly gasped.
She looked stunning, so utterly graceful as she walked on her fathers arm down the isle. I felt a tear slide down my cheek, sad I couldn't be there. No quicker had my tear fallen had I felt Lucas hand squeeze mine. "I'm sorry" he said gently as I gulped. I wanted to say it wasn't his fault, but if he and Marco weren't at war then I'd be there. "Don't be. I'm safer here" I said quietly as he nodded. "She looks beautiful" he said gently as I nodded. "I knew she would" I said softly as he gave me a gentle smile. "Hold up" Mario's voice said making me jump. "That voice" he startled as I looked back to the video, my best friend now stood in-front of Leo. The vicar just out of view as he introduced the couple to their guests. "It's familiar" Louisa gulped as i stilled. If it was him, my life would be set out. I wouldn't be sat in Lucas arms, in his house. I'd be forced elsewhere. Forced into Marcos grasp. Into his control.
"Davide Poticelli" Luca said as I looked at him for more information. "My dad" I stammered worriedly. "No" Luca said firmly. "My childhood friend" he added as I nodded with finality. "He was on that raid only last week" Mario roared. "Well aware" Luca said looking agitated. "Mario, set me up a meeting with his father" Luca said stiffly as I sat there confused. Was this better than my father being there, or worse. I couldn't figure it out. "You can't let him know luca" I stammered as I remembered what Marco had said. "To hell I can't" he said annoyed. "What if he was planted there, knowing that if you spoke to him, Marco would know that I shared it" I stammered.

"Your dads awake" Lucia rushed abruptly from the door shaking everyone out of business mode "Mario, keep eyes on. Call us back if anything happens" Luca Instructed before urging me out the basement. "How's he doing" I asked Lucia as she led us at a quick pace across the house. "Okay, the doctor you called has assessed him and I think we're ok for now" she said turning to Luca as he gave her a nod. "He is still pretty tired and bruised. So be gentle with him" she said carefully as she held the door open for us. Luca didn't even acknowledge Lucia, instead he just burst straight in an over to his dad who was sat up in the bed. Holding back with Lucia by the door I smiled as they embraced. "It's good to see you son" Lorenzo said raspily. His voice still remarkably hoarse. "And you, you've missed a lot dad" Luca said slightly anxiously, it was the first time I'd seen him drop his guard this entire time. "I'm sure you'll fill me in. Is Louisa not around" he asked as he glanced at me briefly. "No, she's downstairs. I can arrange for her to come up. But there's been a few developments" Luca said seriously as I gulped not wanting to hear this again. "I'll leave you both to it. It's good to see you alive Lorenzo" I smiled softly as luca looked at me concerned. "Nonsense Sofia. I hear your the reason I'm alive. Come sit" Lorenzo offered as i inhaled sharply. "It wasn't all me, Lucia has been phenomenal" I said as I turned to her. "It was all you. Saying that though, I could do with having a quick chat with her if that's ok" Lucia said to her brother as I felt relief wash through me. "Sure. Come back and see me later though Sofia" Lorenzo said as I nodded before leaving with his sister.

"Thank-you" I said once the door was closed. "It's ok. Was like watching my sister, the looks of dread she used on her face whenever he summoned her" she said as she shivered. "You remind me so much of her" she said softly as I swallowed despite having a dry mouth. "Sorry" she said. "I don't mean to upset you by bringing her up" she said gently as I shook my head. "You're the only one who seems to even remember her existence" I sighed. "It's nice to hear someone other than me remembers her" I smiled gently. "But it also always makes me sad she's not here. You'd have thought I'd be used to it by now, but sometimes all you want is a cuddle from your mum and encouragement that it'll all be ok" I added as we sat down at the kitchen island. "It's just hard knowing I'll never get that" I shrugged as she nodded.
"I get that." She smiled gently "Sometimes I go to her room when I'm sad, I always used to go to her for advice. Even when she had lost all her marbles she still gave me the best advice. It was always blunt but correct. She had the best moral compass which was ironic considering" Lucia said as she put the kettle on. "I find it so hard to piece my childhood together. My therapist always used to say it was the trauma of loosing her, but I just can't piece it. I know that if my father is alive that will mean I'm sworn to the Di Rossi, but At least he may be able to fill in some of the gaps right?" I said as she looked at me sympathetically. "Catch 22" she shrugged as I nodded. "If it helps I can try and fill in some of the blanks" she said as she began pouring the hot water into mugs. "You can try, I don't think anyone but mum would be able to explain it all" I said defeatedly. "Try me" she said softly as I thought for a moment.
"Why didn't I know any of you, only Lenny and Mary." I asked as Lucia smiled gently. "That I do know. So you remember I told you that she moved out because she didn't want you around the family" she began as I nodded. "Lorenzo sent Lenny to keep tabs on her. He would come over once a week to check in. Mary would stop by a few times too, sure they were close with your mum but they were mainly there to check she stayed in line." She explained. "Friday nights" I said simply as she nodded. "He would always come on a Friday" I added as Lucia nodded. "Yep, he'd check in over dinner and ensure your mum was behaving, what better way than having a family dinner and hearing everything you had to say. Lenny would've known if anything was awry because you would've told him. You trusted him and you'd always tell him about school and your friends. Lenny would know the instant your mum introduced your dad because you would've said so" Lucia explained as I sat silently stunned.
I was effectively their intel. Lenny would always ask about my week, about my friends and what I'd been up to. He wasn't asking because he was interested, he asked because he needed to know. "And Mary" I stammered. "Similar, although your mum really bonded with her. Of course she would've told Lorenzo if anything concerning was said and that was her reason for going. But both of them cared, about both of you" she continued as she handed me a mug of tea. "They'd come home and tell us all about you over dinner, we'd hear how you'd won a dancing competition, or how you were pupil of the week at school. We all wanted to know you, it's just your mum thought you'd be more protected if you didn't" she explained as I sipped the tea. "Do you think she knew that dad had sworn me to Marco" I asked nervously as she shook her head. "I don't know, part of me wonders if maybe she did and that's why she kept you so separate from us. But then I just don't think she would sign you to a family, that was her biggest downfall you know. Why would she sign her daughter to an opposing family, why would she sign her to any family when her ties to us is what stopped her from being with him" Lucia rambled as I nodded along. It was the same debate I had been having in my head since I found out.
"Do you know if dad ever met me" I questioned as she shrugged. "None of us know. Lorenzo had eyes on your mum in the early days, until you began to talk. Then he let you both live your life knowing you'd tell Lenny if anything occurred" she shrugged as I sighed, my mind conflicted. No wonder my mum had gone insane. She was trapped in her home and the daughter she was protecting was the same daughter feeding back to her captors. It was a ghastly situation.
"Sofia" Tony's voice came from the door as I span to him. "Think the speeches are about to start" he said softly as I nodded. Picking up my mug I turned to my aunt and smiled. "Thank you" I said gently as she she nodded at me before dismissing me to go with Tony.
"Has anything happened" I asked as he shook his head. "Not really, you saw the ceremony, the camera rolled throughout the drinks reception but it was all just loud chatter that we couldn't decipher. Definitely don't think your dads there though." He explained as I nodded following him back into the room as Alessia's fathers voice echoed around us.
"How's dad" Louisa asked from her chair, she clearly hadn't moved since I'd left. "Awake. He asked after you" I said softly as she nodded and held back a tear. "Luca said he'd sort out you seeing him" I said gently as she nodded and tried to act un-phased. You could see she was upset though. It was written all over her face.

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