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I found a spare room in HQ and sat myself down. I must've hovered my finger over Alessia's name multiple times before I finally had the courage to press call. "Sof" her voice said worriedly. Her soft, forever comforting voice. I couldn't help it, my walls flooded down and I began sobbing. "Sofia what's happened" she said worriedly. "I can't come" I said feeling heartbroken. "What do you mean" she said taken aback. "Lorenzo was shot. Louisa's going insane, Luca...I can't, it's not safe" I cried to her as she didn't say a word. "I know you'll hate me" I sniffled. "We can protect you, Marco will protect you" she urged causing me to shake my head. Not that she could see it. "He's the issue Lessi. He asked Lou to try and force me back to him. She asked Romero to help her" I sobbed as she gasped. "You're sure" she said seriously as I sobbed. "I'm sure" I cried as she took an audible inhale. "What if you came here. He clearly wants you" she questioned. "And put my body in harms way. I nearly died, Twice. Because of him." I choked on my sobs. "Leo will protect you" she said upset herself. "He couldn't protect me from Marco, Lessi. You know that" I said as she sobbed down the line. "It's my wedding day Sof" she cried. "I know, and you know I wouldn't miss it. But I can't be near him Lessi, it's too dangerous. I'm worried enough about you marrying his brother" I said honestly as she chuckled. "Don't worry about me and Leo. He's everything to me, he wouldn't. Hasn't. Would never, lay a finger on me" she said as I closed my eyes and prayed she was right. "Do you know anything Lessi, anything about why Marco wants me so bad" I asked wiping my eyes. "I think he loves you" she said easily but I shook my head. That wasn't it. It couldn't be. "I doubt it. He's been sleeping with just about anyone else with a pulse" I said with disgust. "You know about Georgina" she sighed as I paused. "Question is how long have you known" I stammered, had she kept it from me. "They've been on and off for as long as I've known Leo." She said. "Recently he hasn't been with her" she added as I bit my tongue. "He was out with her last night. I saw them" I said firmly. "What? He told me he was going out for work" she said confused. "Unless work is shoving his tongue down her throat" I said in a huff. "It doesn't matter anyway. I don't want him, he can have her." I said trying to convince myself as much as I was Alessia. "You're sure you can't come" she asked sadly. "I'm sorry Less" I sighed. "I understand" she replied sadly. "I'll be with you in spirit" I promised her. "Thank you" she said sounding broken. "Marco Can't know" I sighed as she sniffled. "If he asks, it's because of the shooting. They can't risk me being with you lot because they shot lornezo" I explained. "Okay" she sniffled again. "I wish you could be here" she cried as I hung up, unable to hear her cry again. As I put the phone down, I felt my whole body break. My tears seemed to flow freely as my body limply flopped to the desk I was sat at. My arms shook with each sob, my matted hair draping over my face.
He'd broken me. He'd not only hurt me but he'd hurt the only people I loved. Because of him I'd miss my best friends wedding. Because of him I'd never see her again. Because of him, I wouldn't ever be able to leave Marchetti protection. He'd ruined my entire life.
"Hey" Luca said as he scooped me off the chair and pulled me to his chest. "It's ok" he whispered as he held me, gently rocking us as he tried to soothe me. "I'm here" he said encouragingly as my mind over thought everything. Memories of being with Alessia. Memories of being with Marco. Leo. Gio. My whole future ripped apart. My fate sealed. I was always meant to be a Marchetti, it's just yesterday I thought maybe I'd get to choose to be, not forced to be. "I won't let anything happen to you" Luca said softly as he held me, like he knew my predicament. Like he knew that's what I would always need from him. Protection.
Something still niggled me though. Why would Marco drive me to the Marchetti if he wanted me originally. Why was he so determined to have me back. Why had he gone to such lengths. Why was he so hellbent on getting me back. Deciding I'd done enough thinking, I whispered a thank you and pulled away from Lucas arms. Wiping my eyes before turning to him. "Can we go shower" I asked as he nodded. "Shower, food and bed. You need to rest still" he said glancing at my stomach. It was still covered by the dressing and blood stained top, but I knew what he was referring to. The damage inflicted at Marcos request. "You don't have to look after me. You need to focus on your family" I said feeling guilty for pulling luca away from his father and sister. "You're my priority. They know that." He said as he entwined our hands. "Let me just check with Lou, you can get this wet" he said as we walked passed her cell. I hated that they were keeping her there. It seemed largely unfair, and I knew I'd have to negotiate her release with Luca.
After disappearing momentarily he returned with a smile. "She thinks it'll be ok. Shower with it on, we can take it off after and let it air" he informed me as I nodded with a half smile. Thank goodness I could shower, otherwise I'd have Lorenzo's blood all over me for days.
As we went to leave HQ my phone buzzed in my hands. Looking down it was Alessia. I froze, not knowing why she would call back. Luca looked at me, before nodding. Encouraging me to answer. I pressed the green button and flicked it to loud speaker as Luca led me to a quieter room. "Lessi" I said curiously. "Sofia, what's happened" Marcos voice boomed as I gulped. "You shot Lorenzo. I'm covered in his blood" I said sniffling. "I had to. Your safety was in jeopardy" he said firmly. "They won't let me come now. It's to risky, incase you shoot me" I stuttered trying to find the right cover. He couldn't know I knew. It would only make it worse for Lou and Lorenzo. "You know I won't" Marco sighed. "They don't. You don't exactly have a good track record" I said as I looked at luca sadly. "I told you that was Gio" Marco replied firmly. "I know. But it's a Di Rossi all the same." I sighed. "Why did you have to shoot him. Everything was fine before then. I was upstairs packing to come then bam." I said as I told a white lie. I was fucking his enemy when bam. But he didn't need to know that. "He wasn't looking after you Sofia. What he let Romero do" he said as I closed my eyes. He was feeding my lies too. "Romero hated me because of you" I said honestly as Luca looked at me worried. "Because of what you did to his fiancé" I added as Marco sounded like he'd sighed in relief, it was quiet though, almost missable. "I had to. She was fucking both sides" he said firmly. "She's no different to me" I confessed as I heard him curse. "I need you to be here tomorrow, Alessia needs you" he pleaded. "I can't Marco. They won't authorise it" I sighed feeling tired. "Then tell them your deal is off. That you won't give Luca an heir if they don't let you come" he begged. "It's too late for that Marco" I lied as I shook my head at luca to let him know I wasn't actually pregnant. That I was just saying it "I wish it wasn't." I said quietly, yet it wasn't for his benefit. In a way I hoped I was pregnant. Pregnant with Lucas heir, then I'd be safe always. I heard a clatter down the line. "I need you with me" he said firmly. "I won't stop fighting for you" Marco all but spat. "Let me go Marco. Stop killing them. You're only making this worse" I said sadly, hoping he would ease up on his rifle. "If Lorenzo is dead, if lou is still helping you. We just have to get rid of luca" Marco said as I froze. "I don't want a war Marco. I'm a Marchetti, I was never meant for you" I whispered, trying to convince myself as well as him. "I have a contract that says otherwise" he roared firmly as I paused, Lucas eyes widening. "What" I stammered. "Your father, he promised you to me when you were born" he said like it was nothing. "What does that even mean" I stammered. "It means, no one else would get your dads blessing" he explained down the phone. "Dads dead, of course they wouldn't." I retorted confused. "Your dad, sold you to me. For protection mostly" Marco explained. "In Italy it happens a lot" he sighed. "Debts are paid with women, marriage, children" he continued as I looked at luca who nodded confirming. "Your father wanted protection, for you, him and your mum." Marco sighed. "My dad granted it, so long as you were sworn to Me" he explained. "So we have to marry" I stuttered. "Pretty much" he confirmed. "What about Georgina" I stammered trying to think of a get out. "What about her" he queried, confusion in his tone. "You don't want to marry her?" I asked firmly. "No princess. Only you. It's only ever been you" he said seductively. "If only I could believe you Marco." I sighed. "You can trust me Sofia" he said firmly. "I promised your dad protection" he added. "We aren't married yet" I pointed out. "Specifics. Do you think you could come tomorrow. We will have a priest" he asked as my eyes bulged. "You know I can't. I'm under lock and key now Lorenzo's been shot" I sighed. "I'm carrying an heir, I'm not allowed out of sight" I said as he punched something hard on the other line. "I won't be able to leave till I've given birth Marco" I said firmly, knowing it would buy us time. "How far along are you" he asked as I gulped. "Weeks" I said quietly not wanting to be specific. "Fuck" he grumbled. "I thought tomorrow would be it, I'd finally have you" he sighed. "Have me" I said shakily. "Mhm. We could've married. Then I'd have you stuck at my side 24/7. You'd be safe and protected. I wouldn't have to trust a Marchetti to do it ever again" he said as my mind raced to Louisa. "Stop dreaming. The reality is I can't leave. Not for 9 months at least" I said as he grunted. "I'll have to come up with something before then" he sighed. "I can't leave till they have the heir" I said firmly. "Now stop thinking about us. This weekend is about your brother and Lessi" I encouraged. "I know"he said sounding annoyed. "I'll see you soon" I said as I gulped. Hopefully I wouldn't see him soon. Not by choice. "You will, I'll rescue you in no time Pricipessa" he said before the line cut off and I looked up at luca who looked positively raging.

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