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Bang on 2pm I knocked on Louisa's door. I knew from the voices inside that luca was down here. He'd stuck to his word at-least. "Come in" her voice chimed, as I reached for the handle on the door. "Good you're here" she said simply as I nodded, glancing over at luca he has a tight lipped smile. He seemed on edge, almost angsty. "I am" I gulped simply as I turned my attention from him to her.
"Great. Lie down, get your leggings and pants off and I'll get it out" she said almost boredly as I nodded walking over to the examination table, slowly removing my leggings and pants as I faced the wall, not wanting to see Lucas face as I did so. "Hurry, I have places to be" she said nonchalantly. My privacy not cared about, Louisa not offering to shield my body from her brother at all, but then I guessed I was his property in her eyes.
"You just standing there, or you coming over" she taunted him as she stood beside me with a tray of instruments. "Here is fine" he said firmly as I gulped. Was he in a mood with me? Or her? It was all very confusing. "Legs apart then" Louisa said to me as I nodded following her instruction before facing the wall and scrunching my face up.
I tried to keep my breathing steady as I felt her begin to slide the speculum in. The last person who'd been down there had been Marco. And I hadn't felt any where near as uncomfortable as I did now. "When's the last time you had sex" she asked me making me flinch as I felt something poking around down there. "Does it matter" luca all but growled. "Kinda, once this is out she's able to get preggers. Given the semen inside her, she could be pregnant instantly if it's new" she growled at her brother. "Three days" I said as luca looked at me hurt. "You weren't here three days ago" Louisa furrowed her brow. "Who was it" luca suddenly said. "You mean it wasn't you" she backfired to him. "Fuck" I groaned. Busted.
"Start talking Sofia" luca said impatiently. "Ok, ok. This guy I met. A while ago. He was trying to help me get over you know" I said simply. "Name" luca said harshly as I quickly tried to think of someone's name. "James" I said simply. "He lived over the road" I sighed. "It was nothing, just casual. Building my confidence" I stammered as I tried to build a lie and protect Marco. "How likely is it I get pregnant" I turned to Louisa. "Not impossible. Sperm can live inside you for 5 days. However I can scrape what I see out. That way it's less likely to take hold" she said as I nodded. "How many times did you fuck him" luca asked harshly. "Just once" I stammered. "One night stand" Louisa asked with a quirk brow. "When I got home I was upset. I'd been here. Then you know" I looked over at him. "James is always a good listening ear so I went over to his, just to talk" I said lying. "Not about anything mafia, don't worry. More about you" I lied to them as I glanced at luca. "One thing lead to another and we ended up in bed" I said. "I don't really know what came over me. It was the first time since. You know. And yet I was so heavy with emotion and adrenaline I completely forgot" I said as I felt a scraping sensation down blow and flinched. "Sorry" Louisa said as she continued to unknowingly remove Marcos seed from my vagina.
Instead of continuing to spin a lie, I faced the wall again as she continued to poke and scrape until eventually I felt a tug and then began to cramp instantaneously whilst she triumphantly said "done". I doubled over as my whole cervix felt like it was about to fall out. "Fuck" luca said as he rushed over to me. "Lou" he said worriedly. "She's just cramping it's quite normal" Louisa said as i gritted my teeth in pain. "It doesn't look fucking normal" he roared at his sister. "I'm ok" I breathed out, as the cramping eased momentarily. "Knew you would be" Louisa smirked at her brother. "Take paracetamol. You may spot for a few days." She said as she cleared up the equipment. "Happy mating" she smirked as I doubled over once again with a cramp.
"How long will these last" luca asked worriedly as he looked down at me. "Not too long. Go take a warm bath that should help" she said with the shrug of her shoulders as I nodded, slipping off the bed to put my leggings and pants back on. "Let me help" luca said worriedly. "I'm ok" I said as I slipped a leg into my panties and then into my leggings, before another cramp came and I flinched, making him bend down and help me step into the other leg before he lifted them up for me.
I felt slightly twisted but knowing I was headed straight for the bath I didn't bother to correct the uncomfortable nature of my leggings and pants. As I went to leave the room I could feel luca hovering behind me, each step I took towards the exit he followed. Waiting till I was out the room, I turned to him. "Thank you for coming" I said simply as he nodded. "I said I would" he added as I gulped slightly. "I erm. With James" I paused. "I wasn't thinking" I gulped as he nodded. "I get it, don't worry" he said as he looked at me softly. "I do worry, because you seem pretty angry" I sighed sadly as he looked at me curiously. "Not everything is about you here Sofia. I am angry, but it's not to do with you" he said as I nodded. "Ok, thank you" I said before turning on my heel. Him following again.
"You headed to your office" I asked curiously as he frowned. "Nope, I was making sure you got back to your room safe, I thought that was obvious" he chuckled slightly. "I didn't know" I said as I bit my lip slightly before shaking my head. "I'll manage. You should go and sort whatever it is has made you angry" I said with a gentle smile. "Or I could make sure you get to your room safe" he said as I rolled my eyes. "Don't" he said as he watched me do it. "Bad habit" I said simply as we continued walking. Just as we neared the stairs another cramp had me pausing and clutching his arm in order to stay standing straight. "This can't be right" he said looking horrified. "It's just cramps. I'll be fine" I said through gritted teeth. "You don't seem fine Sofia" he said firmly making me loosen my grip. I didn't want to show him I was weak, so letting go seemed like the obvious solution. Only another cramp came and set me completely off balance. "Fuck" he said as he caught me before he hurled me into his arms and carried me urgently up the stairs. At the top the cramps seemed to subside but being in his arms, felt nice. Having him worry over me felt nice. For the first time since being here, someone else was looking out for me.
As he burst into my room, he lay me down on the bed before rushing into the bathroom and turning on the water. I hoped to god he was good at running baths.
Sighing I stood up and took my clothes off once more. He'd see me naked eventually. He'd already seen my lower half thanks to his sisters lack of privacy in her office. As I reached my bra, he popped his head back into the bedroom, his eyes widening as he saw me. "Your bath" he stumbled his words. "Thank you" I said honestly as I walked over to him. "Figured you'd see me naked tonight anyway. No need to look so alarmed" I chuckled slightly as I walked passed him, removing my panties again and then my bra as I stepped into the warm water whilst he watched me with wide eyes.
"This is heaven. Thank you" I said as I let my body relax in the water, bubbles covering my modesty once more. "Anytime" he said with a hoarse voice. "Excuse Me" he said quickly as he shut the bathroom door before scurrying off. Resting my head on the back of the roll top bath I sighed. The water really was a comfort. My whole body starting to relax somewhat.
Glancing over I spotted my phone beside the toilet, clearly where I had left it earlier. Reaching for it, I spotted a message on there from Alessia.
"Everything Okay" she had queried. "Kinda. I'll be back the night before your big day" I replied gently. "Yay" came her next response. "Also, he won't say it. But I will. He did it for you" she sent back cryptically. "Who! What did they do for me" I replied confused. "You know who. You'll see" she said again cryptically. "Im going to ignore your craziness" I said simply in response. "Hahaha. You are ok though aren't you" she asked me in a quick text back. "Sure, got my own room and everything" I said simply hoping she'd sense the slight sarcasm. "Leo said your house is basically destitute" she responded. "Haven't seen it. Don't really want to" I sent her with a gulp.
Before I could await her response, Luca rushed in frantically, his face pale. "What's happened" I said as I sat up worriedly his eyes falling from my face to my exposed bubbly breasts before flicking to my face again. Shaking his head he looked at me worriedly. "Romero, he's been shot." He rushed as I gulped. Is this what Alessia had meant. Had Marco had him shot for me? Because of what he had done to me? Is this what he had meant when he said he would always protect me. "Oh god" I groaned. "Louisa is out, I can't get hold of her" he panicked. "He's on his way here but the guys are saying that he's pissing blood everywhere" he rambled as I pulled myself out of the bath, and grabbed a towel. Locking my phone and throwing it back on the counter. I barged passed him, as he looked at me in shock as I pulled a T-shirt onto my damp body before grabbing my pj bottoms and doing the same. A gentle throb still in my uterus but nothing I couldn't handle. "Let's go" I said as I grabbed his hand and pulled him across the corridor. "Go where Sofia, that's my best mate" he said looking frantic. "Take me to Louisa's office. I can't promise I can do much, but I might be able to help until you manage to get a hold of Louisa" I said as his face went from desperation to admiration. He picked me up and flew me over his shoulder before hurtling us down the stairs as everyone seemed to be in pandemonium.

As we reached Louisa's office he placed me down on my feet as I rushed to open all of her cupboards and draws, locating bandages and stitches and tools I'd never seen before but they looked like they'd come in handy. Seconds later the doors flew open and an almost grey Romero was placed down in-front of me. I glanced at the three bullet holes in his chest and sighed. Marco had really done a number on him. And part of me was glad. Another part had me wanting to curse his name, he should've known I'd end up stitching the poor sod back up. "Sofia" luca said sombrely as I stared at Romero. "I got this" I stammered. I totally did not have this.

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