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I woke up to the steady beeping. It had become somewhat soothing hearing my own heart beat. A comfort to know Romero had not yet been successful at killing me. Opening my eyes, I noticed Luca asleep on the chair besides me. He looked pale, his clothes still blood stained, his face screwed up. Besides him, another chair was placed. Louisa asleep on it as she used her brother as a pillow. I hadn't heard them come in, I must've dozed off into a deep sleep after exerting most my energy on cleaning the room and getting Marco to safety. Reaching out for my phone on the nightstand I gasped. Sat besides it was a gun. Probably Lucas. It shouldn't have alarmed me but it did. Was it his? Or was Romero sending me a warning. Was he even still alive. Shaking the thought from my head quickly, so as not to bring on a seizure, I picked up my phone.
Looking at the screen I saw a message from Alessia. Unlocking it I clicked my messages and smiled, a soothing feeling running down my spine as I read her words.
From: Alessia
Don't you just love a basement. I'm thinking of putting one in the new house! What do you think?
I reread the message multiple times. Had she taken a knock to the head? Wait. The basement. They got to Marco! I felt relief flood through me as I typed back an equally cryptic message.
To: Alessia
I'm not so sure. They often get leaks and they're a pain in the ass half the time.
It was true, if he was a basement, Marco would have a very big leak. A leak I'm hoping he got seen too. I just hoped she caught on to what I was saying. Her reply came almost immediately.
From: Alessia
Leaks are easily fixed. They're always a pain in the ass though.
She understood. He was patched up, he'd be ok. Now I just had to make the conversation look plausible incase anyone read my messages.
To: Alessia
Glad you find leaks east to fix. You should be a plumber. Is Leo helping you with all this basement and house stuff?
I hoped that by asking about him, anyone reading would think we were genuinely having a chat about basements. Whether she would understand that I had no idea.
From: Alessia
Nope, he's too busy dealing with the war that just started. Know any intel? Besides, Fran is a much better plumber.
Lol. Straight to the point as ever.
To Alessia.
You know that even if I did I couldn't tell you.
She was working this well, feeding me juicy lines that she knew I could respond to by the book. I wasn't playing both sides, my loyalties were to the Marchetti but I also had to consider her.
Placing my phone back on the nightstand woke Louisa up startled. "Sorry" I whispered as she regained awareness of her surroundings and shook her head. "How long have you been awake" she asked. "Not long" I replied softly as she snuggled into the chair. "How is he" I asked not able to say his name. "He's in a coma. Medical opinion, won't survive. Family opinion, they're doing everything they can" she said with a yawn as I nodded. He was still alive. That meant I couldn't tell anyone still. I felt my body tense up slightly, I'd clearly relaxed knowing he was injured and unable to harm me. "I don't think he'll survive Sofia. Even if does I doubt he'll be able to do much. He lost so much blood, I'm surprised he's still with us" she sighed clearly sensing my sudden change of mood as she stood up. "It would be my luck." I muttered as she picked up her clipboard and jotted down my numbers.
"How's your side feeling" she asked. "Sore" I said as I moved. I'd likely not helped myself when I'd moved to help Marco yesterday. Not that I'd be telling her that. "That's to be expected. Ideally dad wants you home today. You think you're up to that" she asked as I sighed. "I suppose it puts distance between us" I said thinking about Romero. "For now" she said as I nodded. "What if he wakes up" I voiced. "I don't think he will. If he does he'll be so brain dead he'll be about as useful as a cabbage to us all" she sighed as I nodded. Marco had clearly done a number on him. "How was Luca" I asked glancing at him, still sound asleep. "Devastated." She nodded. "Mind you he Wouldn't be if he knew the truth" she added but I shook my head. "You know I can't tell him!" I said catching her warning glare. "I doubt he'll wake up Sofia. You should tell him, better now then when he's dead" she said as I sighed heavily.
I didn't get long to dwell on it as a phone rang. It wasn't my usual tone and Louisa made no effort to answer hers. Instead I found my eyes on a stirring Luca. He hadn't even opened his eyes when he answered the call with a "yes". It was a stern and almost cold voice. Not the usual warmth I was used to from him. "I would have to run that by Lou" he said as he ran a hand through his hair. "Dad wants to know if we can move her home." He reiterated to his sister. "Thought as much" she said turning to me. "The journey might be painful but we can make you more comfortable at home" she said as I nodded and closed my eyes slightly. "Tell him to send a car. And to set her up another room. She can't stay where she was, it'll likely trigger a seizure" Louisa said as I gulped at the thought of my old room. "Lou is happy for you to send a car for us. Can you get Loretta to strip my bed, and have the room prepared for Sofia to join me" he said firmly as my eyes shot open. He met them with a softness, as he reached out and held my hand softly. "You too papa" he said before ending the call.
"When we get home, she has to rest" Louisa said firmly. "And she will. In the second most protected room in that house." He said. "Did you not hear what I told you yesterday." I stammered. If Romero woke up and found out I'd been in Lucas bed I'd be toast. "I heard you. But that room is the most protected. With this war breaking I don't have enough men to guard the usual doors and yours. I'm assigning Tony to you for when you leave the room. No one can touch you. No one will touch you" he said with finality as I trembled slightly. "If you're still worried you can always tell me who it was, that way I can have them killed before we get home" he said with vigour. "You know I can't" I said as I looked down at my hands. "You're going to have to tell me at some point sweetheart" he sighed as he grabbed his gun before walking out.
"That was a perfect opportunity you just missed." Louisa frowned at me. "I can't tell him, when there's still a chance Ro could wake. And now I have to figure out how I can possibly make it known I'm not sleeping in his bed when I'm forced to stay in his room" I sighed. "Whilst he's comatose I doubt there is harm in it" Louisa shrugged. "And then when he wakes up and hears all the maids gossiping about it. Then what" I spat. "Sorry" I immediately apologised for my tone. "Don't be. You'll find a way. I still think telling Luca is the best option" She said as I turned to the window not wanting to face that reality.
She left me lay looking out at the window. It looked like a beautiful morning, the sky was blue and the sun seemed to be shining down. Maybe it was as a sign today would be a better day? Or maybe the weather would be the only thing that would brighten my day. "Clothes" Luca said as he burst back through the doors. The sound of the doors banging making me flinch. "We move out in ten minutes. Make sure you're both ready" he said as he looked at his sister who just nodded in reply. Looking in the bag I recognised some of the clothes from my wardrobe back home. My black gym leggings and my favourite trainers. The top was from my wardrobe at the marchetti house, I'd seen it numerous times but decided it was too plain. It was a white oversized tee, that would At least be comfortable to travel home in. At the bottom of the bag was a black hoodie. It wasn't mine, I could tell by the smell it was Lucas. The scent almost calling out to me. The last time I'd worn this we'd cuddled all night. I smiled as I skipped it on, feeling instant comfort. "Don't tell him but that actually suits you" Louisa chuckled as I staggered from my bed now fully clothed. "It's so comfy" I said snuggling into it. It had to be three times bigger than my clothes but that oversized baggy ness was everything I needed. "Have you got everything" I asked her as she began piling documents and charts into the bag, alongside her stethoscope. "Pretty much" she said as I attempted to pull my hair into a pony tail. It hurt though, lifting my arms up to my head pulled on my side. "Let me" she said as she rushed to me, taking the bobble from my hands and scraping my hair back for me. "Thank you" I smiled brightly at her. "Anytime" she said as she tightened the bobble before stepping back just as Luca walked back in again. "Ready" he asked looking slightly stressed. "Yeah" I gulped as he nodded. "Lou, stick close to Maximo, Sof stay tight to me and Tony. I'm not expecting a scene, and we have men on every corner. But Di Rossi is unpredictable at the minute" He said firmly as he looked at me. I gulped praying Marco wouldn't be here, that his men wouldn't be here and that he wouldn't try and plan the great escape for me. "looking good in my clothes again Sof" Luca said as I walked over to him. "Thank you for letting me wear it" I said as he opened my arms and let me snuggle against him. "I won't lie I put it in there for me, but it looks better on you" he chuckled slightly as I reddened. Mortified. "I can take it off" I stammered. "Don't be silly. You need it more than I do" he said as he kissed my head. "Now, let's get you home" he said softly as he dropped his arms from around me, and placed his hand on my back instead. "She won't be able to walk fast Luca. If shit hits the fan you'll need to carry her" Louisa warned as we passed through the double doors that guarded my room. A flock of men clad in black stood to attention. "Max on Lou. Tony on us" Luca said. "Everyone else in formation" he ordered as the men scurried around us. "I'm glad you're ok" Tony said softly to me as he squeezed my shoulder gently. "Thank you" I said timidly. I still didn't know who I could trust in this family. I didn't know how close he was to Romero. Sure he'd saved me when Romero had pushed me, but it could've just been a case of right place, right time. As men gathered around us, luca smiled down at me softly before taking a step in-front of me, leaving me boxed in by Louisa. "Is it just me or is this a bit OTT" Lou smiled softly. "Very, surely they know Marco wouldn't fire at me" I whispered to her as Luca called out the order to move. "It's probably a precaution and a message" she said with a sigh as we slowly edged forward. "How so" I asked as we reached the elevator. Surely we wouldn't all squeeze in there. "They'll be showing Marco your protected and that we have lots of men" she said like it was nothing as all 16 of us crammed into the hospital lift. "I swear elevators can only take like ten people" I found myself saying out loud. Only to hear slight sniggers from some of the men surrounding us. "That'll be ten bucks Capo" Tony smirked. "Suck my dick Tony" Luca scoffed as the elevator dinged open and we all filed out. "You two made a bet on me" I groaned as we walked slowly. "Shh Sweetheart. We need to concentrate" Luca said softly. "But yes we did" Tony chortled from behind me as we exited the lift. "Mr Marchetti" a voice said in-front distracting me. "Elaine" Luca said, confused. "I did try to call. Mr Romero has made positive progress. He has wiggled his fingers on multiple occasions" she said in delight as my head felt heavy. He was going to wake up. Just like I told Louisa. And then he'd find out I'm staying with Luca, in his room. Then he'd end me for sure.
I didn't get much more of a chance to think about it as my whole body collapsed to the floor violently at the thought of Romero being awake. Able to hurt me. I could feel the commotion around me. I couldn't hear anything or see it though. I could just sense it.
Eventually my muscles relaxed, I lay still for a minute before I gently opened my eyes. "She's back" Lou said with relief. "You ok" she said as she held my head. "I ache" I sighed as she nodded. My head throbbing. A tear escaping my eye. "Luca you're going to need to carry her. I need to check her over when we're home. She's likely going to be concussed." Louisa said sadly as she gently removed her hands from my head before stepping back to allow Luca to step in. "Fancy seizing in a corridor" he smiled at me, clearly not aware as to my trigger. "I wish I had control over it" I said as he smiled softly before picking me up in a fireman's and holding me close. "Formation B please" Luca ordered as all his men moved from in a circle around us, to tightly next to us. Luca in the centre holding me as three rows of men lined us on each side. As we made it outside I shivered. "Glad you've got my hoodie on now" he asked as I nodded. The car was pulled up ready. More men surrounding it, it was overkill. Marco would never attack me. It was all for show. I just didn't know if it was me they were showing off to or Marco.
"You comfy" he asked as I sat in the centre seat, Louisa on my right. "Yeah" I said with a heavy head. "Good. I'll see you back at home. I need to go and check on Ro" he said as I gulped. "Luca, do you think that's wise" Louisa asked him. "She needs you" she added. "She has you and Tony. Ro has no one" he sighed "I won't be long" he said as he kissed my head a final time before calling at various men and jogging off. I didn't see them re enter the hospital, my view obscured my Tony clambering in besides me. "You lot need to invest in bigger cars" I said feeling sleepy. "Don't fall asleep yet" Louisa said firmly. "I need to check you over" she said as the car started moving. "I'm tired" I protested but she shook her head. "Please Sofia. Stay awake" she begged as I groaned and turned to Tony's shoulder, to rest my throbbing head.
"Must you hold that all the time" I sighed looking at the gun in his hand. "Fraid so" he said as he continued to scan outside. "You really think Marco would shoot at me" I said to him. "No. I know he wouldn't. He'd shoot at me, to take you though" he said warningly as I tightened my lips together. "212, black car approaching" a voice said through the radio. "212 received. Stay vigilant." Tony responded. Before I could close my eyes I could hear gun fire. "Shots fired" screamed down the radio. "Plan B alberto" Tony shouted as he thrust my head down to my lap making me feel dizzy. Louisa joining me seconds later. "Stay down" she whispered as I nodded. "I feel sick" I groaned. "That'll be that confusion I worried about. Try not to focus on it. Think about the beach or a favourite memory" she suggested as  I heard bullets pinging off metal and car tyres screeching whilst we hurtled at a ridiculous speed over speed bumps that were just calling for me to vomit.

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